UniProt ID | HNRPK_HUMAN | |
UniProt AC | P61978 | |
Protein Name | Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K | |
Gene Name | HNRNPK | |
Organism | Homo sapiens (Human). | |
Sequence Length | 463 | |
Subcellular Localization | Cytoplasm . Nucleus, nucleoplasm . Cell projection, podosome . Recruited to p53/TP53-responsive promoters, in the presence of functional p53/TP53 (PubMed:16360036). In case of ASFV infection, there is a shift in the localization which becomes predomi | |
Protein Description | One of the major pre-mRNA-binding proteins. Binds tenaciously to poly(C) sequences. Likely to play a role in the nuclear metabolism of hnRNAs, particularly for pre-mRNAs that contain cytidine-rich sequences. Can also bind poly(C) single-stranded DNA. Plays an important role in p53/TP53 response to DNA damage, acting at the level of both transcription activation and repression. When sumoylated, acts as a transcriptional coactivator of p53/TP53, playing a role in p21/CDKN1A and 14-3-3 sigma/SFN induction (By similarity). As far as transcription repression is concerned, acts by interacting with long intergenic RNA p21 (lincRNA-p21), a non-coding RNA induced by p53/TP53. This interaction is necessary for the induction of apoptosis, but not cell cycle arrest.. | |
Overview of Protein Modification Sites with Functional and Structural Information | ||
* ASA = Accessible Surface Area
Locations | Modification | Substrate Peptides & Secondary Structure |
ASA (%) | Reference | Orthologous Protein Cluster |
1 | Acetylation | -------METEQPEE -------CCCCCCCC | 15.05 | 22814378 | |
1 | Sulfoxidation | -------METEQPEE -------CCCCCCCC | 15.05 | 28183972 | |
3 | Phosphorylation | -----METEQPEETF -----CCCCCCCCCC | 38.33 | 28355574 | |
9 | Phosphorylation | ETEQPEETFPNTETN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 42.61 | 30377224 | |
13 | Phosphorylation | PEETFPNTETNGEFG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 44.41 | 27251275 | |
15 | Phosphorylation | ETFPNTETNGEFGKR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 46.62 | 25627689 | |
21 | Acetylation | ETNGEFGKRPAEDME CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 61.60 | 23236377 | |
22 | Methylation | TNGEFGKRPAEDMEE CCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 35.72 | 18583659 | |
27 | Sulfoxidation | GKRPAEDMEEEQAFK CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 5.41 | 21406390 | |
34 | Sumoylation | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | - | |
34 | Acetylation | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | 23954790 | |
34 | Methylation | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | 68937 | |
34 | Sumoylation | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | 25114211 | |
34 | Ubiquitination | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | 21890473 | |
34 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.10 | 21890473 | |
34 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.10 | 21890473 | |
34 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.10 | 21890473 | |
34 | Ubiquitination | MEEEQAFKRSRNTDE HHHHHHHHHCCCHHH | 53.10 | 21890473 | |
36 | Phosphorylation | EEQAFKRSRNTDEMV HHHHHHHCCCHHHHH | 30.39 | 23401153 | |
39 | Phosphorylation | AFKRSRNTDEMVELR HHHHCCCHHHHHHHH | 32.02 | 30266825 | |
42 | Sulfoxidation | RSRNTDEMVELRILL HCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 2.94 | 21406390 | |
46 | Methylation | TDEMVELRILLQSKN HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 12.19 | 18583671 | |
52 | Sumoylation | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | - | |
52 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | - | |
52 | Acetylation | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | 25953088 | |
52 | Malonylation | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | 26320211 | |
52 | Sumoylation | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | 28112733 | |
52 | Ubiquitination | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | - | |
52 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.54 | 21890473 | |
52 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.54 | 21890473 | |
52 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.54 | 21890473 | |
52 | Ubiquitination | LRILLQSKNAGAVIG HHHHHHCCCCCCEEC | 37.54 | 21890473 | |
60 | Sumoylation | NAGAVIGKGGKNIKA CCCCEECCCCCCCEE | 54.06 | - | |
60 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | NAGAVIGKGGKNIKA CCCCEECCCCCCCEE | 54.06 | - | |
60 | Acetylation | NAGAVIGKGGKNIKA CCCCEECCCCCCCEE | 54.06 | 21466224 | |
60 | Sumoylation | NAGAVIGKGGKNIKA CCCCEECCCCCCCEE | 54.06 | 28112733 | |
60 | Ubiquitination | NAGAVIGKGGKNIKA CCCCEECCCCCCCEE | 54.06 | 21906983 | |
60 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.06 | 21890473 | |
60 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.06 | 21890473 | |
60 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.06 | 21890473 | |
63 | Acetylation | AVIGKGGKNIKALRT CEECCCCCCCEEEEC | 65.26 | 21466224 | |
63 | Ubiquitination | AVIGKGGKNIKALRT CEECCCCCCCEEEEC | 65.26 | - | |
66 | Acetylation | GKGGKNIKALRTDYN CCCCCCCEEEECCCE | 51.25 | 21466224 | |
66 | Ubiquitination | GKGGKNIKALRTDYN CCCCCCCEEEECCCE | 51.25 | 18655026 | |
66 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.25 | 21890473 | |
70 | Phosphorylation | KNIKALRTDYNASVS CCCEEEECCCEECEE | 43.62 | 28152594 | |
72 | Nitration | IKALRTDYNASVSVP CEEEECCCEECEECC | 16.41 | - | |
72 | Phosphorylation | IKALRTDYNASVSVP CEEEECCCEECEECC | 16.41 | 28152594 | |
75 | Phosphorylation | LRTDYNASVSVPDSS EECCCEECEECCCCC | 15.99 | 25159151 | |
77 | Phosphorylation | TDYNASVSVPDSSGP CCCEECEECCCCCCC | 25.99 | 20164059 | |
81 | Phosphorylation | ASVSVPDSSGPERIL ECEECCCCCCCCEEE | 30.99 | 28450419 | |
82 | Phosphorylation | SVSVPDSSGPERILS CEECCCCCCCCEEEE | 66.79 | 28450419 | |
89 | Phosphorylation | SGPERILSISADIET CCCCEEEEEEECHHH | 16.48 | 28450419 | |
91 | Phosphorylation | PERILSISADIETIG CCEEEEEEECHHHHH | 19.26 | 27732954 | |
96 | Phosphorylation | SISADIETIGEILKK EEEECHHHHHHHHHH | 34.32 | 27732954 | |
102 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | ETIGEILKKIIPTLE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 47.81 | - | |
102 | Ubiquitination | ETIGEILKKIIPTLE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 47.81 | 21906983 | |
102 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.81 | 21890473 | |
102 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.81 | 21890473 | |
102 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.81 | 21890473 | |
102 | Ubiquitination | ETIGEILKKIIPTLE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 47.81 | 21890473 | |
103 | Ubiquitination | TIGEILKKIIPTLEE HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 42.28 | - | |
107 | Phosphorylation | ILKKIIPTLEEGLQL HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 36.07 | 26846344 | |
111 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 14.89 | 28152594 | |
114 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 5.65 | 28152594 | |
116 | Phosphorylation | EEGLQLPSPTATSQL HHHCCCCCCCCCCCC | 43.40 | 26846344 | |
118 | Phosphorylation | GLQLPSPTATSQLPL HCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 47.07 | 26846344 | |
120 | O-linked_Glycosylation | QLPSPTATSQLPLES CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 21.34 | OGP | |
120 | Phosphorylation | QLPSPTATSQLPLES CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 21.34 | 26846344 | |
121 | Phosphorylation | LPSPTATSQLPLESD CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.53 | 26846344 | |
127 | Phosphorylation | TSQLPLESDAVECLN CCCCCCCCCHHHHCC | 38.25 | 26846344 | |
135 | Phosphorylation | DAVECLNYQHYKGSD CHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 5.45 | 26846344 | |
138 | Phosphorylation | ECLNYQHYKGSDFDC HHCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 11.08 | 26846344 | |
139 | Acetylation | CLNYQHYKGSDFDCE HCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 50.22 | 26051181 | |
139 | Methylation | CLNYQHYKGSDFDCE HCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 50.22 | 23583077 | |
139 | Ubiquitination | CLNYQHYKGSDFDCE HCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 50.22 | - | |
139 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 50.22 | 21890473 | |
141 | Phosphorylation | NYQHYKGSDFDCELR CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 30.84 | 21815630 | |
145 | Glutathionylation | YKGSDFDCELRLLIH CCCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 5.53 | 22555962 | |
148 | Methylation | SDFDCELRLLIHQSL CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 12.73 | 115479195 | |
154 | O-linked_Glycosylation | LRLLIHQSLAGGIIG HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 13.16 | 23576270 | |
154 | Phosphorylation | LRLLIHQSLAGGIIG HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 13.16 | 28450419 | |
155 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 4.06 | 21890473 | |
163 | Sumoylation | AGGIIGVKGAKIKEL HCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 48.19 | - | |
163 | Acetylation | AGGIIGVKGAKIKEL HCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 48.19 | 25953088 | |
163 | Sumoylation | AGGIIGVKGAKIKEL HCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 48.19 | 25114211 | |
163 | Ubiquitination | AGGIIGVKGAKIKEL HCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 48.19 | 21906983 | |
163 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 48.19 | 21890473 | |
163 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 48.19 | 21890473 | |
163 | Ubiquitination | AGGIIGVKGAKIKEL HCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 48.19 | 21890473 | |
166 | Ubiquitination | IIGVKGAKIKELREN CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 64.08 | - | |
168 | Ubiquitination | GVKGAKIKELRENTQ CCCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 50.41 | - | |
174 | Phosphorylation | IKELRENTQTTIKLF HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 23.65 | 27067055 | |
174 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 23.65 | 21890473 | |
177 | Phosphorylation | LRENTQTTIKLFQEC HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 13.29 | 27067055 | |
179 | Acetylation | ENTQTTIKLFQECCP HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 40.95 | 25825284 | |
179 | Ubiquitination | ENTQTTIKLFQECCP HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 40.95 | 21906983 | |
179 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 40.95 | 21890473 | |
179 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 40.95 | 21890473 | |
179 | Ubiquitination | ENTQTTIKLFQECCP HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 40.95 | 21890473 | |
183 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 30.65 | 21890473 | |
184 | S-nitrosocysteine | TIKLFQECCPHSTDR HHHHHHHHCCCCCCE | 2.80 | - | |
184 | Glutathionylation | TIKLFQECCPHSTDR HHHHHHHHCCCCCCE | 2.80 | 22555962 | |
184 | S-nitrosylation | TIKLFQECCPHSTDR HHHHHHHHCCCCCCE | 2.80 | 19483679 | |
185 | S-nitrosocysteine | IKLFQECCPHSTDRV HHHHHHHCCCCCCEE | 3.15 | - | |
185 | S-nitrosylation | IKLFQECCPHSTDRV HHHHHHHCCCCCCEE | 3.15 | 19483679 | |
188 | Phosphorylation | FQECCPHSTDRVVLI HHHHCCCCCCEEEEE | 19.69 | 23898821 | |
189 | Phosphorylation | QECCPHSTDRVVLIG HHHCCCCCCEEEEEC | 25.45 | 23898821 | |
191 | Methylation | CCPHSTDRVVLIGGK HCCCCCCEEEEECCC | 22.11 | 115479211 | |
195 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 4.64 | 21890473 | |
198 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | RVVLIGGKPDRVVEC EEEEECCCHHHHHHH | 38.23 | - | |
198 | Acetylation | RVVLIGGKPDRVVEC EEEEECCCHHHHHHH | 38.23 | 25953088 | |
198 | Methylation | RVVLIGGKPDRVVEC EEEEECCCHHHHHHH | 38.23 | 66699929 | |
198 | Ubiquitination | RVVLIGGKPDRVVEC EEEEECCCHHHHHHH | 38.23 | 21890473 | |
198 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 38.23 | 21890473 | |
198 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 38.23 | 21890473 | |
198 | Ubiquitination | RVVLIGGKPDRVVEC EEEEECCCHHHHHHH | 38.23 | 21890473 | |
201 | Methylation | LIGGKPDRVVECIKI EECCCHHHHHHHHHH | 42.80 | 115479227 | |
207 | Ubiquitination | DRVVECIKIILDLIS HHHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 35.04 | 21906983 | |
207 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 35.04 | 21890473 | |
207 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 35.04 | 21890473 | |
207 | Ubiquitination | DRVVECIKIILDLIS HHHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 35.04 | 21890473 | |
214 | Phosphorylation | KIILDLISESPIKGR HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 39.04 | 23927012 | |
216 | Phosphorylation | ILDLISESPIKGRAQ HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 25.74 | 19664994 | |
219 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | - | |
219 | Acetylation | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | 25953088 | |
219 | Succinylation | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | - | |
219 | Succinylation | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | 23954790 | |
219 | Sumoylation | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | 28112733 | |
219 | Ubiquitination | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | - | |
219 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 45.81 | 21890473 | |
219 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 45.81 | 21890473 | |
219 | Ubiquitination | LISESPIKGRAQPYD HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.81 | 21890473 | |
225 | Phosphorylation | IKGRAQPYDPNFYDE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.77 | 12052863 | |
230 | Phosphorylation | QPYDPNFYDETYDYG CCCCCCCCCCEECCC | 21.36 | 12052863 | |
234 | Phosphorylation | PNFYDETYDYGGFTM CCCCCCEECCCCEEE | 12.72 | 12052863 | |
236 | Phosphorylation | FYDETYDYGGFTMMF CCCCEECCCCEEEEE | 14.56 | 12052863 | |
241 | Sulfoxidation | YDYGGFTMMFDDRRG ECCCCEEEEEECCCC | 2.05 | 28465586 | |
242 | Sulfoxidation | DYGGFTMMFDDRRGR CCCCEEEEEECCCCC | 2.79 | 28465586 | |
246 | Methylation | FTMMFDDRRGRPVGF EEEEEECCCCCCCCC | 44.81 | 54556673 | |
247 | Methylation | TMMFDDRRGRPVGFP EEEEECCCCCCCCCC | 53.09 | 54556689 | |
249 | Dimethylation | MFDDRRGRPVGFPMR EEECCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.40 | - | |
249 | Methylation | MFDDRRGRPVGFPMR EEECCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.40 | 16289147 | |
256 | Dimethylation | RPVGFPMRGRGGFDR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.71 | - | |
256 | Methylation | RPVGFPMRGRGGFDR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.71 | 20679681 | |
258 | Dimethylation | VGFPMRGRGGFDRMP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.53 | - | |
258 | Methylation | VGFPMRGRGGFDRMP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.53 | 24156205 | |
263 | Methylation | RGRGGFDRMPPGRGG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.93 | 54556705 | |
268 | Dimethylation | FDRMPPGRGGRPMPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.60 | - | |
268 | Methylation | FDRMPPGRGGRPMPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.60 | 54556665 | |
271 | Methylation | MPPGRGGRPMPPSRR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.45 | 54556697 | |
276 | Phosphorylation | GGRPMPPSRRDYDDM CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 33.79 | - | |
277 | Methylation | GRPMPPSRRDYDDMS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 41.06 | 58854733 | |
278 | Methylation | RPMPPSRRDYDDMSP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 51.70 | 81449363 | |
280 | Phosphorylation | MPPSRRDYDDMSPRR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 16.42 | 23927012 | |
284 | Phosphorylation | RRDYDDMSPRRGPPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 23.42 | 19664994 | |
286 | Methylation | DYDDMSPRRGPPPPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 49.21 | 26494259 | |
287 | Methylation | YDDMSPRRGPPPPPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 66.41 | - | |
296 | Dimethylation | PPPPPPGRGGRGGSR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.60 | - | |
296 | Methylation | PPPPPPGRGGRGGSR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.60 | 20679687 | |
299 | Dimethylation | PPPGRGGRGGSRARN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 49.47 | - | |
299 | Methylation | PPPGRGGRGGSRARN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 49.47 | 15782174 | |
302 | Phosphorylation | GRGGRGGSRARNLPL CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 26.12 | 17581920 | |
303 | Dimethylation | RGGRGGSRARNLPLP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 40.62 | - | |
303 | Methylation | RGGRGGSRARNLPLP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 40.62 | 20679699 | |
305 | Dimethylation | GRGGSRARNLPLPPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 44.07 | - | |
305 | Methylation | GRGGSRARNLPLPPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 44.07 | 18600977 | |
316 | Methylation | LPPPPPPRGGDLMAY CCCCCCCCCCCCCEE | 68.45 | 24129315 | |
321 | Sulfoxidation | PPRGGDLMAYDRRGR CCCCCCCCEECCCCC | 3.75 | 21406390 | |
323 | Nitration | RGGDLMAYDRRGRPG CCCCCCEECCCCCCC | 8.94 | - | |
323 | Phosphorylation | RGGDLMAYDRRGRPG CCCCCCEECCCCCCC | 8.94 | 21945579 | |
325 | Methylation | GDLMAYDRRGRPGDR CCCCEECCCCCCCCC | 30.22 | 18959219 | |
326 | Methylation | DLMAYDRRGRPGDRY CCCEECCCCCCCCCC | 42.44 | 80702175 | |
328 | Methylation | MAYDRRGRPGDRYDG CEECCCCCCCCCCCC | 30.16 | 54556681 | |
333 | Phosphorylation | RGRPGDRYDGMVGFS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.91 | - | |
347 | Phosphorylation | SADETWDSAIDTWSP CCCCCCCCCCHHCCH | 20.77 | 26074081 | |
351 | Phosphorylation | TWDSAIDTWSPSEWQ CCCCCCHHCCHHHCE | 23.02 | 26074081 | |
353 | Phosphorylation | DSAIDTWSPSEWQMA CCCCHHCCHHHCEEE | 22.20 | 26074081 | |
355 | Phosphorylation | AIDTWSPSEWQMAYE CCHHCCHHHCEEECC | 46.05 | 26074081 | |
361 | Phosphorylation | PSEWQMAYEPQGGSG HHHCEEECCCCCCCC | 23.85 | - | |
369 | Phosphorylation | EPQGGSGYDYSYAGG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 17.26 | 25884760 | |
371 | Phosphorylation | QGGSGYDYSYAGGRG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 8.63 | 25884760 | |
372 | Phosphorylation | GGSGYDYSYAGGRGS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 12.95 | 24144214 | |
372 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 12.95 | 21890473 | |
373 | Phosphorylation | GSGYDYSYAGGRGSY CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 11.75 | 24144214 | |
377 | Methylation | DYSYAGGRGSYGDLG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 29.93 | 58857885 | |
379 | Phosphorylation | SYAGGRGSYGDLGGP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 25.28 | 29255136 | |
380 | Phosphorylation | YAGGRGSYGDLGGPI CCCCCCCCCCCCCCE | 19.92 | 22167270 | |
381 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 25.93 | 21890473 | |
389 | Phosphorylation | DLGGPIITTQVTIPK CCCCCEEEEEEECCH | 16.34 | 25867546 | |
390 | Phosphorylation | LGGPIITTQVTIPKD CCCCEEEEEEECCHH | 15.61 | 20044836 | |
393 | Phosphorylation | PIITTQVTIPKDLAG CEEEEEEECCHHHHC | 23.03 | 25867546 | |
396 | Acetylation | TTQVTIPKDLAGSII EEEEECCHHHHCCCC | 62.62 | 26051181 | |
396 | Ubiquitination | TTQVTIPKDLAGSII EEEEECCHHHHCCCC | 62.62 | 18655026 | |
396 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.62 | 21890473 | |
396 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.62 | 21890473 | |
398 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 7.89 | 21890473 | |
401 | Phosphorylation | IPKDLAGSIIGKGGQ CCHHHHCCCCCCCCH | 12.86 | 23401153 | |
405 | Sumoylation | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | - | |
405 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | - | |
405 | Acetylation | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | 23236377 | |
405 | Succinylation | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | 23954790 | |
405 | Sumoylation | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | 28112733 | |
405 | Ubiquitination | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | - | |
405 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 49.84 | 21890473 | |
405 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 49.84 | 21890473 | |
405 | Ubiquitination | LAGSIIGKGGQRIKQ HHCCCCCCCCHHHEE | 49.84 | 21890473 | |
417 | O-linked_Glycosylation | IKQIRHESGASIKID HEEEECCCCCCEEEC | 33.27 | 23576270 | |
417 | Phosphorylation | IKQIRHESGASIKID HEEEECCCCCCEEEC | 33.27 | 23401153 | |
420 | Phosphorylation | IRHESGASIKIDEPL EECCCCCCEEECCCC | 28.13 | 23401153 | |
422 | Sumoylation | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | - | |
422 | Acetylation | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | 23954790 | |
422 | Malonylation | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | 26320211 | |
422 | Sumoylation | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | 25114211 | |
422 | Ubiquitination | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | - | |
422 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 41.43 | 21890473 | |
422 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 41.43 | 21890473 | |
422 | Ubiquitination | HESGASIKIDEPLEG CCCCCCEEECCCCCC | 41.43 | 21890473 | |
430 | Phosphorylation | IDEPLEGSEDRIITI ECCCCCCCCCEEEEE | 27.27 | 29255136 | |
430 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 27.27 | - | |
433 | Methylation | PLEGSEDRIITITGT CCCCCCCEEEEEECC | 20.39 | 115479203 | |
434 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 5.15 | 28442448 | |
436 | Phosphorylation | GSEDRIITITGTQDQ CCCCEEEEEECCHHH | 15.32 | 21712546 | |
438 | Phosphorylation | EDRIITITGTQDQIQ CCEEEEEECCHHHHH | 26.06 | 30377224 | |
440 | Phosphorylation | RIITITGTQDQIQNA EEEEEECCHHHHHHH | 21.96 | 28464451 | |
449 | Phosphorylation | DQIQNAQYLLQNSVK HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 13.63 | 27273156 | |
454 | Phosphorylation | AQYLLQNSVKQYSGK HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 20.10 | 21712546 | |
454 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 20.10 | - | |
456 | Ubiquitination | YLLQNSVKQYSGKFF HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 43.25 | 18655026 | |
456 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 43.25 | 21890473 | |
456 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 43.25 | - | |
458 | Phosphorylation | LQNSVKQYSGKFF-- HHHHHHHHCCCCC-- | 17.42 | 29214152 | |
458 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 17.42 | 28442448 | |
459 | Phosphorylation | QNSVKQYSGKFF--- HHHHHHHCCCCC--- | 32.77 | 27134283 | |
461 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | SVKQYSGKFF----- HHHHHCCCCC----- | 37.34 | - | |
461 | Acetylation | SVKQYSGKFF----- HHHHHCCCCC----- | 37.34 | 25825284 | |
461 | Ubiquitination | SVKQYSGKFF----- HHHHHCCCCC----- | 37.34 | - | |
461 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.34 | 21890473 |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Type of Upstream Proteins | Gene Name of Upstream Proteins | UniProt AC of Upstream Proteins | Sources |
72 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
216 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK1 | P06493 | PSP |
216 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK2 | P24941 | PSP |
216 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK8 | P45983 | GPS |
216 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK10 | P53779 | GPS |
225 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
230 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC64 | - | PhosphoELM |
230 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
234 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC64 | - | PhosphoELM |
234 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
236 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC64 | - | PhosphoELM |
236 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
284 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK3 | P27361 | GPS |
284 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK1 | P28482 | GPS |
284 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PRKCD | Q05655 | GPS |
284 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK2 | P24941 | PSP |
302 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PRKCD | Q05655 | GPS |
353 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK10 | P53779 | GPS |
353 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK8 | P45983 | GPS |
353 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK3 | P27361 | GPS |
379 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AURA | O14965 | PSP |
380 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
380 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC64 | - | PhosphoELM |
458 | Y | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SRC | P12931 | PSP |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Function | Reference |
296 | R | Methylation |
| - |
299 | R | Methylation |
| - |
* Distance = the distance between SAP position and PTM sites.
Modified Location | Modification | Variant Position (Distance <= 10) |
Residue Change | SAP | Related Disease | Reference |
Oops, there are no SNP-PTM records of HNRPK_HUMAN !! |
Kegg Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
OMIM Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
Kegg Drug | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
DrugBank | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. |
Acetylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
"Lys-N and trypsin cover complementary parts of the phosphoproteome ina refined SCX-based approach."; Gauci S., Helbig A.O., Slijper M., Krijgsveld J., Heck A.J.,Mohammed S.; Anal. Chem. 81:4493-4501(2009). Cited for: ACETYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT MET-1, PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGESCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-216 AND SER-284, AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
Methylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
"Identifying and quantifying in vivo methylation sites by heavy methylSILAC."; Ong S.E., Mittler G., Mann M.; Nat. Methods 1:119-126(2004). Cited for: METHYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT ARG-296 AND ARG-299, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. | |
Phosphorylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
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"Lys-N and trypsin cover complementary parts of the phosphoproteome ina refined SCX-based approach."; Gauci S., Helbig A.O., Slijper M., Krijgsveld J., Heck A.J.,Mohammed S.; Anal. Chem. 81:4493-4501(2009). Cited for: ACETYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT MET-1, PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGESCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-216 AND SER-284, AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"A quantitative atlas of mitotic phosphorylation."; Dephoure N., Zhou C., Villen J., Beausoleil S.A., Bakalarski C.E.,Elledge S.J., Gygi S.P.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105:10762-10767(2008). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-116; SER-216 ANDSER-284, AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"Kinase-selective enrichment enables quantitative phosphoproteomics ofthe kinome across the cell cycle."; Daub H., Olsen J.V., Bairlein M., Gnad F., Oppermann F.S., Korner R.,Greff Z., Keri G., Stemmann O., Mann M.; Mol. Cell 31:438-448(2008). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-216 AND SER-284, ANDMASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"Phosphorylation analysis of primary human T lymphocytes usingsequential IMAC and titanium oxide enrichment."; Carrascal M., Ovelleiro D., Casas V., Gay M., Abian J.; J. Proteome Res. 7:5167-5176(2008). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-284, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. | |
"Automated phosphoproteome analysis for cultured cancer cells by two-dimensional nanoLC-MS using a calcined titania/C18 biphasic column."; Imami K., Sugiyama N., Kyono Y., Tomita M., Ishihama Y.; Anal. Sci. 24:161-166(2008). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-216, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. | |
"Global proteomic profiling of phosphopeptides using electron transferdissociation tandem mass spectrometry."; Molina H., Horn D.M., Tang N., Mathivanan S., Pandey A.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104:2199-2204(2007). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-116 AND SER-284, ANDMASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"Improved titanium dioxide enrichment of phosphopeptides from HeLacells and high confident phosphopeptide identification by cross-validation of MS/MS and MS/MS/MS spectra."; Yu L.-R., Zhu Z., Chan K.C., Issaq H.J., Dimitrov D.S., Veenstra T.D.; J. Proteome Res. 6:4150-4162(2007). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-214; SER-216 ANDSER-379, AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"A probability-based approach for high-throughput proteinphosphorylation analysis and site localization."; Beausoleil S.A., Villen J., Gerber S.A., Rush J., Gygi S.P.; Nat. Biotechnol. 24:1285-1292(2006). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-216; SER-284 ANDSER-379, AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"Global, in vivo, and site-specific phosphorylation dynamics insignaling networks."; Olsen J.V., Blagoev B., Gnad F., Macek B., Kumar C., Mortensen P.,Mann M.; Cell 127:635-648(2006). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-36; SER-216 AND SER-284,AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"Large-scale characterization of HeLa cell nuclear phosphoproteins."; Beausoleil S.A., Jedrychowski M., Schwartz D., Elias J.E., Villen J.,Li J., Cohn M.A., Cantley L.C., Gygi S.P.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101:12130-12135(2004). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT THR-3; SER-116 AND SER-284,AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. | |
"PITK, a PP1 targeting subunit that modulates the phosphorylation ofthe transcriptional regulator hnRNP K."; Kwiek N.C., Thacker D.F., Datto M.B., Megosh H.B., Haystead T.A.J.; Cell. Signal. 18:1769-1778(2006). Cited for: INTERACTION WITH ANKRD28, AND PHOSPHORYLATION AT SER-284. | |
"Global phosphoproteome of HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells."; Kim J.-E., Tannenbaum S.R., White F.M.; J. Proteome Res. 4:1339-1346(2005). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-284, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. | |
Ubiquitylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
"Proteomic analysis of ubiquitinated proteins in normal hepatocytecell line Chang liver cells."; Tan F., Lu L., Cai Y., Wang J., Xie Y., Wang L., Gong Y., Xu B.-E.,Wu J., Luo Y., Qiang B., Yuan J., Sun X., Peng X.; Proteomics 8:2885-2896(2008). Cited for: UBIQUITINATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT LYS-422, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. |