UniProt ID | KDM5B_HUMAN | |
UniProt AC | Q9UGL1 | |
Protein Name | Lysine-specific demethylase 5B | |
Gene Name | KDM5B | |
Organism | Homo sapiens (Human). | |
Sequence Length | 1544 | |
Subcellular Localization | Nucleus . | |
Protein Description | Histone demethylase that demethylates 'Lys-4' of histone H3, thereby playing a central role in histone code. [PubMed: 24952722] | |
Overview of Protein Modification Sites with Functional and Structural Information | ||
* ASA = Accessible Surface Area
Locations | Modification | Substrate Peptides & Secondary Structure |
ASA (%) | Reference | Orthologous Protein Cluster |
63 | Ubiquitination | AEQTGICKVRPPPDW HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 39.08 | - | |
80 | Ubiquitination | PFACDVDKLHFTPRI CCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 43.65 | - | |
80 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 43.65 | - | |
84 | Phosphorylation | DVDKLHFTPRIQRLN CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 10.83 | 24719451 | |
100 | Ubiquitination | LEAQTRVKLNFLDQI HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 34.13 | - | |
100 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 34.13 | - | |
109 | Ubiquitination | NFLDQIAKYWELQGS HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 53.15 | 21906983 | |
109 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.15 | 21890473 | |
109 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.15 | 21890473 | |
110 | Phosphorylation | FLDQIAKYWELQGST HHHHHHHHHHHCCCC | 8.62 | - | |
119 | Ubiquitination | ELQGSTLKIPHVERK HHCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 55.04 | - | |
119 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 55.04 | - | |
126 | Ubiquitination | KIPHVERKILDLFQL CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 33.83 | - | |
126 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 33.83 | - | |
148 | Sumoylation | GGFAVVCKDRKWTKI CCEEEEECCCCCCCC | 49.29 | 28112733 | |
148 | Ubiquitination | GGFAVVCKDRKWTKI CCEEEEECCCCCCCC | 49.29 | - | |
148 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 49.29 | - | |
157 | Phosphorylation | RKWTKIATKMGFAPG CCCCCCCHHCCCCCC | 25.66 | - | |
158 | Ubiquitination | KWTKIATKMGFAPGK CCCCCCHHCCCCCCC | 28.18 | - | |
158 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 28.18 | - | |
165 | Ubiquitination | KMGFAPGKAVGSHIR HCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 38.55 | - | |
165 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 38.55 | - | |
182 | Phosphorylation | YERILNPYNLFLSGD HHHHCCHHHEECCCC | 24.35 | 24260401 | |
190 | Phosphorylation | NLFLSGDSLRCLQKP HEECCCCHHHHCCCC | 22.65 | 24260401 | |
196 | Acetylation | DSLRCLQKPNLTTDT CHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 23.95 | 69587 | |
196 | Ubiquitination | DSLRCLQKPNLTTDT CHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 23.95 | - | |
196 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 23.95 | - | |
204 | Sumoylation | PNLTTDTKDKEYKPH CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 70.39 | 28112733 | |
206 | Ubiquitination | LTTDTKDKEYKPHDI CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 65.58 | - | |
206 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 65.58 | - | |
208 | Phosphorylation | TDTKDKEYKPHDIPQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 35.24 | 28555341 | |
209 | Sumoylation | DTKDKEYKPHDIPQR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.65 | - | |
209 | Sumoylation | DTKDKEYKPHDIPQR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.65 | 28112733 | |
209 | Ubiquitination | DTKDKEYKPHDIPQR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.65 | - | |
240 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 39.18 | 22985185 | |
242 | Sumoylation | RAEAMNIKIEPEETT HHHHHCCCCCCHHCH | 35.69 | - | |
242 | Sumoylation | RAEAMNIKIEPEETT HHHHHCCCCCCHHCH | 35.69 | 28112733 | |
242 | Ubiquitination | RAEAMNIKIEPEETT HHHHHCCCCCCHHCH | 35.69 | - | |
248 | Phosphorylation | IKIEPEETTEARTHN CCCCCHHCHHHHHHH | 28.42 | 28152594 | |
249 | Phosphorylation | KIEPEETTEARTHNL CCCCHHCHHHHHHHH | 30.81 | 28152594 | |
253 | Phosphorylation | EETTEARTHNLRRRM HHCHHHHHHHHHHHC | 23.36 | 28152594 | |
264 | Phosphorylation | RRRMGCPTPKCENEK HHHCCCCCCCCCCHH | 39.18 | 27251275 | |
270 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 28.27 | 25690035 | |
274 | Sumoylation | CENEKEMKSSIKQEP CCCHHHHHHHHCCCC | 41.99 | 28112733 | |
278 | Sumoylation | KEMKSSIKQEPIERK HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 51.02 | - | |
278 | Sumoylation | KEMKSSIKQEPIERK HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 51.02 | 28112733 | |
278 | Ubiquitination | KEMKSSIKQEPIERK HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 51.02 | - | |
314 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 2.35 | - | |
329 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 18.76 | - | |
331 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.11 | - | |
355 | Ubiquitination | KGDWRCPKCLAQECS CCCCCCCHHHHHHCC | 45.57 | - | |
363 | Ubiquitination | CLAQECSKPQEAFGF HHHHHCCCHHHHHCH | 63.48 | - | |
378 | Phosphorylation | EQAARDYTLRTFGEM HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 17.66 | 24719451 | |
390 | Ubiquitination | GEMADAFKSDYFNMP HHHHHHHHHCCCCCC | 44.10 | - | |
391 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 30.96 | - | |
399 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 12.97 | - | |
408 | Ubiquitination | VPTELVEKEFWRLVS CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 51.21 | - | |
415 | Phosphorylation | KEFWRLVSTIEEDVT HHHHHHHHCCCCCCE | 28.41 | - | |
426 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 11.85 | - | |
429 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 4.65 | 27642862 | |
444 | Ubiquitination | GFPVRDGKIKLSPEE CCCCCCCCEECCHHH | 40.74 | - | |
444 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 40.74 | - | |
457 | Phosphorylation | EEEEYLDSGWNLNNM HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 43.01 | - | |
476 | Phosphorylation | QSVLAHITADICGMK HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 14.38 | - | |
535 | Ubiquitination | EQLENVMKKLAPELF HHHHHHHHHHCHHHH | 40.11 | - | |
572 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 26.40 | - | |
635 | Ubiquitination | SHDEMICKMASKADV CCCHHHHHHCCCCCH | 26.95 | - | |
639 | Ubiquitination | MICKMASKADVLDVV HHHHHCCCCCHHHEE | 38.78 | - | |
663 | Ubiquitination | AIMIEDEKALRETVR CHHHCCHHHHHHHHH | 66.11 | - | |
671 | Ubiquitination | ALRETVRKLGVIDSE HHHHHHHHHCCCCHH | 45.30 | - | |
671 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 45.30 | - | |
675 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 4.59 | - | |
699 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 3.05 | - | |
707 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 20.55 | - | |
729 | Ubiquitination | LCSCPPYKYKLRYRY HHCCCCCCEEEEEEE | 41.50 | - | |
730 | Phosphorylation | CSCPPYKYKLRYRYT HCCCCCCEEEEEEEE | 14.93 | - | |
730 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 14.93 | - | |
734 | Phosphorylation | PYKYKLRYRYTLDDL CCCEEEEEEEEHHHH | 20.57 | 25884760 | |
736 | Phosphorylation | KYKLRYRYTLDDLYP CEEEEEEEEHHHHHH | 11.61 | 25884760 | |
742 | Phosphorylation | RYTLDDLYPMMNALK EEEHHHHHHHHHHHH | 8.97 | 25884760 | |
749 | Ubiquitination | YPMMNALKLRAESYN HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 33.25 | - | |
765 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 12.90 | - | |
769 | Sumoylation | VNEALEAKINKKKSL HHHHHHHHCCCCCCH | 37.12 | 28112733 | |
769 | Ubiquitination | VNEALEAKINKKKSL HHHHHHHHCCCCCCH | 37.12 | - | |
774 | Ubiquitination | EAKINKKKSLVSFKA HHHCCCCCCHHHHHH | 51.11 | - | |
780 | Ubiquitination | KKSLVSFKALIEESE CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 34.47 | - | |
785 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 45.03 | - | |
789 | Ubiquitination | LIEESEMKKFPDNDL HHHHHHHHCCCCCHH | 47.40 | - | |
790 | Ubiquitination | IEESEMKKFPDNDLL HHHHHHHCCCCCHHH | 61.90 | - | |
809 | Ubiquitination | LVTQDAEKCASVAQQ HHHCCHHHHHHHHHH | 36.50 | - | |
810 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 2.28 | - | |
812 | Phosphorylation | QDAEKCASVAQQLLN CCHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 27.70 | 24719451 | |
816 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.87 | - | |
821 | Ubiquitination | AQQLLNGKRQTRYRS HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 40.01 | - | |
825 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 19.27 | - | |
826 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 16.71 | - | |
832 | Acetylation | RYRSGGGKSQNQLTV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCH | 52.74 | 23749302 | |
832 | Ubiquitination | RYRSGGGKSQNQLTV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCH | 52.74 | 21906983 | |
832 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 52.74 | 21890473 | |
845 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 5.33 | - | |
857 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 16.18 | - | |
859 | Phosphorylation | LPCVLSQTPLLKDLL HHHHHHCCHHHHHHH | 16.72 | 24719451 | |
868 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 32.92 | 21890473 | |
932 | Phosphorylation | QACLDPSSLTLDDMR HHHCCCHHCCHHHHH | 30.66 | 22210691 | |
934 | Phosphorylation | CLDPSSLTLDDMRRL HCCCHHCCHHHHHHH | 30.04 | 22210691 | |
956 | Ubiquitination | APYSAVEKAMARLQE CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 36.54 | 21906983 | |
956 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 36.54 | 21890473 | |
974 | Ubiquitination | VSEHWDDKAKSLLKA HHHHCCHHHHHHHHH | 56.06 | - | |
976 | Ubiquitination | EHWDDKAKSLLKARP HHCCHHHHHHHHHCC | 47.58 | - | |
977 | Phosphorylation | HWDDKAKSLLKARPR HCCHHHHHHHHHCCC | 43.74 | 24719451 | |
980 | Ubiquitination | DKAKSLLKARPRHSL HHHHHHHHHCCCCCH | 47.87 | - | |
986 | Phosphorylation | LKARPRHSLNSLATA HHHCCCCCHHHHHHH | 30.44 | 30266825 | |
989 | Phosphorylation | RPRHSLNSLATAVKE CCCCCHHHHHHHHHH | 25.36 | 30266825 | |
992 | Phosphorylation | HSLNSLATAVKEIEE CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 36.96 | 27732954 | |
992 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 36.96 | 21890473 | |
995 | Ubiquitination | NSLATAVKEIEEIPA HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 50.97 | - | |
1010 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 6.67 | - | |
1011 | Ubiquitination | LPNGAALKDSVQRAR CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 43.14 | 21906983 | |
1011 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 43.14 | 21890473 | |
1012 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 55.69 | - | |
1016 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 29.45 | - | |
1031 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 30.35 | - | |
1047 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 28.28 | 21890473 | |
1055 | Phosphorylation | SIPVHLNSLPRLETL CCCCCHHHCCCHHHH | 46.22 | 20860994 | |
1102 | Ubiquitination | DIGLLGLKRKQRKLK CHHHHCHHHHHHHCC | 56.61 | - | |
1107 | Acetylation | GLKRKQRKLKEPLPN CHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 62.51 | 7221493 | |
1119 | Phosphorylation | LPNGKKKSTKLESLS CCCCCCCCCHHHCHH | 39.39 | 26670566 | |
1120 | Phosphorylation | PNGKKKSTKLESLSD CCCCCCCCHHHCHHH | 48.83 | 26670566 | |
1121 | Sumoylation | NGKKKSTKLESLSDL CCCCCCCHHHCHHHH | 58.30 | - | |
1121 | Sumoylation | NGKKKSTKLESLSDL CCCCCCCHHHCHHHH | 58.30 | - | |
1121 | Ubiquitination | NGKKKSTKLESLSDL CCCCCCCHHHCHHHH | 58.30 | - | |
1126 | Phosphorylation | STKLESLSDLERALT CCHHHCHHHHHHHHH | 49.80 | - | |
1135 | Phosphorylation | LERALTESKETASAM HHHHHHHCHHHHHHH | 30.47 | - | |
1136 | Ubiquitination | ERALTESKETASAMA HHHHHHCHHHHHHHH | 53.50 | 21906983 | |
1136 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.50 | 21890473 | |
1138 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 29.64 | - | |
1144 | Phosphorylation | ETASAMATLGEARLR HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 23.39 | - | |
1154 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 41.28 | - | |
1157 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.68 | - | |
1158 | Phosphorylation | REMEALQSLRLANEG HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 19.12 | 23186163 | |
1166 | Ubiquitination | LRLANEGKLLSPLQD HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 39.82 | 21906983 | |
1166 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 39.82 | 21890473 | |
1169 | Phosphorylation | ANEGKLLSPLQDVDI HCCCCCCCCCCCCCE | 33.72 | 27251275 | |
1172 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 52.65 | 21890473 | |
1183 | Ubiquitination | IKICLCQKAPAAPMI EEEEEECCCCCCCEE | 56.17 | - | |
1202 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 9.68 | 21890473 | |
1219 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 27.69 | - | |
1226 | Ubiquitination | PHCRRSEKPPLEKIL CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 53.86 | - | |
1238 | Phosphorylation | KILPLLASLQRIRVR HHHHHHHHHCCCEEC | 25.63 | 27251275 | |
1262 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 7.33 | - | |
1276 | Ubiquitination | LLSSGNLKFVQDRVG HHHCCCCEECCCCCC | 47.71 | 21890473 | |
1276 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.71 | 21890473 | |
1289 | Phosphorylation | VGSGLLYSRWQASAG CCCCCEEHHHCCCCC | 27.32 | 24719451 | |
1294 | Phosphorylation | LYSRWQASAGQVSDT EEHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 20.17 | 23898821 | |
1299 | Phosphorylation | QASAGQVSDTNKVSQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 30.72 | 23898821 | |
1301 | Phosphorylation | SAGQVSDTNKVSQPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 29.45 | 23898821 | |
1312 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 16.81 | 21890473 | |
1328 | Phosphorylation | NRTSYLHSPFSTGRS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 25.66 | 25159151 | |
1331 | Phosphorylation | SYLHSPFSTGRSCIP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 33.08 | 23186163 | |
1332 | Phosphorylation | YLHSPFSTGRSCIPL CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.67 | 23186163 | |
1367 | Phosphorylation | LPEIQELYQTLLAKP HHHHHHHHHHHHCCC | 9.94 | 26074081 | |
1369 | Phosphorylation | EIQELYQTLLAKPSP HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 15.35 | 26074081 | |
1375 | Phosphorylation | QTLLAKPSPAQQTDR HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.96 | 26074081 | |
1380 | Phosphorylation | KPSPAQQTDRSSPVR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.69 | 26074081 | |
1383 | Phosphorylation | PAQQTDRSSPVRPSS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 41.63 | 23401153 | |
1384 | Phosphorylation | AQQTDRSSPVRPSSE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 28.45 | 25159151 | |
1389 | Phosphorylation | RSSPVRPSSEKNDCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 40.33 | 30576142 | |
1390 | Phosphorylation | SSPVRPSSEKNDCCR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 56.10 | 30576142 | |
1392 | Ubiquitination | PVRPSSEKNDCCRGK CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 61.09 | - | |
1405 | Phosphorylation | GKRDGINSLERKLKR CCCCCHHHHHHHHHH | 29.68 | 23401153 | |
1419 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 4.33 | 21406692 | |
1420 | Phosphorylation | RLEREGLSSERWERV HHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 40.80 | 23898821 | |
1420 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 40.80 | 21406692 | |
1428 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.26 | - | |
1444 | Ubiquitination | KIKLSHPKDMNNFKL CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 65.27 | - | |
1450 | Sumoylation | PKDMNNFKLERERSY CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 52.11 | - | |
1450 | Sumoylation | PKDMNNFKLERERSY CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 52.11 | 28112733 | |
1450 | Ubiquitination | PKDMNNFKLERERSY CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 52.11 | - | |
1456 | Phosphorylation | FKLERERSYELVRSA CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 20.43 | 29276005 | |
1457 | Phosphorylation | KLERERSYELVRSAE CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 21.36 | 29978859 | |
1486 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 4.47 | - |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Function | Reference | ||
Oops, there are no descriptions of PTM sites of KDM5B_HUMAN !! |
* Distance = the distance between SAP position and PTM sites.
Modified Location | Modification | Variant Position (Distance <= 10) |
Residue Change | SAP | Related Disease | Reference |
Oops, there are no SNP-PTM records of KDM5B_HUMAN !! |
Kegg Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
OMIM Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
Kegg Drug | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
DrugBank | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. |
Phosphorylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
"A quantitative atlas of mitotic phosphorylation."; Dephoure N., Zhou C., Villen J., Beausoleil S.A., Bakalarski C.E.,Elledge S.J., Gygi S.P.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105:10762-10767(2008). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-1405, AND MASSSPECTROMETRY. | |
"Global, in vivo, and site-specific phosphorylation dynamics insignaling networks."; Olsen J.V., Blagoev B., Gnad F., Macek B., Kumar C., Mortensen P.,Mann M.; Cell 127:635-648(2006). Cited for: PHOSPHORYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT SER-1383 AND SER-1384, ANDMASS SPECTROMETRY. |