UniProt ID | TSC2_HUMAN | |
UniProt AC | P49815 | |
Protein Name | Tuberin | |
Gene Name | TSC2 | |
Organism | Homo sapiens (Human). | |
Sequence Length | 1807 | |
Subcellular Localization |
Cytoplasm. Membrane Peripheral membrane protein. At steady state found in association with membranes. |
Protein Description | In complex with TSC1, this tumor suppressor inhibits the nutrient-mediated or growth factor-stimulated phosphorylation of S6K1 and EIF4EBP1 by negatively regulating mTORC1 signaling. [PubMed: 12271141] | |
Overview of Protein Modification Sites with Functional and Structural Information | ||
* ASA = Accessible Surface Area
Locations | Modification | Substrate Peptides & Secondary Structure |
ASA (%) | Reference | Orthologous Protein Cluster |
3 | Ubiquitination | -----MAKPTSKDSG -----CCCCCCCCCC | 61.77 | - | |
7 | Acetylation | -MAKPTSKDSGLKEK -CCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 59.39 | 12433467 | |
7 | Ubiquitination | -MAKPTSKDSGLKEK -CCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 59.39 | - | |
12 | Acetylation | TSKDSGLKEKFKILL CCCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 63.48 | 12433485 | |
14 | Ubiquitination | KDSGLKEKFKILLGL CCCCHHHHHHHHHCC | 50.82 | - | |
16 | Ubiquitination | SGLKEKFKILLGLGT CCHHHHHHHHHCCCC | 43.44 | - | |
20 | Ubiquitination | EKFKILLGLGTPRPN HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 20.72 | - | |
22 | Ubiquitination | FKILLGLGTPRPNPR HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 31.69 | - | |
23 | Ubiquitination | KILLGLGTPRPNPRS HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.59 | - | |
23 | Phosphorylation | KILLGLGTPRPNPRS HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.59 | 22199227 | |
30 | Phosphorylation | TPRPNPRSAEGKQTE CCCCCCCCCCCCCEE | 31.74 | 29514088 | |
34 | Ubiquitination | NPRSAEGKQTEFIIT CCCCCCCCCEEEEEE | 45.62 | - | |
57 | Ubiquitination | MECGLNNRIRMIGQI HHCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 19.47 | - | |
69 | Acetylation | GQICEVAKTKKFEEH HHHHHHHCCCCHHHH | 67.08 | 30593117 | |
69 | Ubiquitination | GQICEVAKTKKFEEH HHHHHHHCCCCHHHH | 67.08 | - | |
71 | Ubiquitination | ICEVAKTKKFEEHAV HHHHHCCCCHHHHHH | 55.55 | - | |
72 | Ubiquitination | CEVAKTKKFEEHAVE HHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 | Ubiquitination | CEVAKTKKFEEHAVE HHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 | Ubiquitination | CEVAKTKKFEEHAVE HHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 | Ubiquitination | CEVAKTKKFEEHAVE HHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 (in isoform 4) | Ubiquitination | - | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
72 (in isoform 5) | Ubiquitination | - | 64.34 | 21890473 | |
79 | Ubiquitination | KFEEHAVEALWKAVA CHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 38.54 | - | |
95 | Ubiquitination | LLQPERPLEARHAVL HHCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 11.43 | - | |
106 | Ubiquitination | HAVLALLKAIVQGQG HHHHHHHHHHHCCCH | 36.60 | - | |
125 | Ubiquitination | VLRALFFKVIKDYPS HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 35.40 | - | |
128 | Ubiquitination | ALFFKVIKDYPSNED HHHHHHHCCCCCCHH | 54.95 | - | |
144 | Ubiquitination | HERLEVFKALTDNGR HHHHHHHHHHHCCCC | 47.89 | 21906983 | |
144 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.89 | 21890473 | |
144 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.89 | 21890473 | |
144 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.89 | 21890473 | |
144 (in isoform 4) | Ubiquitination | - | 47.89 | 21890473 | |
147 | Phosphorylation | LEVFKALTDNGRHIT HHHHHHHHCCCCEEE | 32.07 | 29954749 | |
188 | Phosphorylation | VNLVKFNSCYLDEYI HHHHCCCCCCHHHHH | 13.79 | - | |
201 | Ubiquitination | YIARMVQMICLLCVR HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 1.27 | - | |
209 | Ubiquitination | ICLLCVRTASSVDIE HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 15.53 | - | |
250 | Ubiquitination | LCRTINVKELCEPCW HHCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 40.24 | - | |
258 | Ubiquitination | ELCEPCWKLMRNLLG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 38.84 | - | |
311 | Phosphorylation | WGAHRLYSLRNSPTS HCHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 25.99 | 24719451 | |
389 | Ubiquitination | TIVHDLLTTVEELCD HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 35.77 | - | |
401 (in isoform 6) | Ubiquitination | - | 28.90 | 21890473 | |
438 | Ubiquitination | AQSIHPAKDGWIQNL HCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 | Ubiquitination | AQSIHPAKDGWIQNL HCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 | Ubiquitination | AQSIHPAKDGWIQNL HCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 (in isoform 4) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
438 (in isoform 5) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.31 | 21890473 | |
540 | Phosphorylation | KVMARSLSPPPELEE HHHHHHCCCCCCHHH | 36.29 | 22817900 | |
585 | Ubiquitination | LPASHATRVYEMLVS CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 29.78 | - | |
598 | Phosphorylation | VSHIQLHYKHSYTLP HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 20.99 | 23917254 | |
601 | Phosphorylation | IQLHYKHSYTLPIAS HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 18.70 | 23917254 | |
602 | Phosphorylation | QLHYKHSYTLPIASS HCCCCCCCCCCCCCH | 16.41 | 20068231 | |
603 | Phosphorylation | LHYKHSYTLPIASSI CCCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 29.13 | 20068231 | |
608 | Phosphorylation | SYTLPIASSIRLQAF CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 27.33 | 20068231 | |
609 | Ubiquitination | YTLPIASSIRLQAFD CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 11.60 | - | |
609 | Phosphorylation | YTLPIASSIRLQAFD CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 11.60 | 23917254 | |
634 | Ubiquitination | HRLGLPNKDGVVRFS HHCCCCCCCCEEEEC | 54.65 | - | |
634 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.65 | - | |
658 | Ubiquitination | PERGSEKKTSGPLSP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 43.82 | - | |
658 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 43.82 | - | |
659 | Phosphorylation | ERGSEKKTSGPLSPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.40 | 28450419 | |
660 | Phosphorylation | RGSEKKTSGPLSPPT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 47.49 | 28450419 | |
664 | Phosphorylation | KKTSGPLSPPTGPPG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.78 | 25867546 | |
667 | Phosphorylation | SGPLSPPTGPPGPAP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 66.75 | 28464451 | |
704 | Ubiquitination | LKQESDWKVLKLVLG HHCCCCHHHHHHHHC | 42.55 | - | |
733 | Ubiquitination | SPCSVDQLCSALCSM CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 1.84 | - | |
751 | Methylation | PKTLERLRGAPEGFS HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 45.51 | 115919061 | |
760 | Phosphorylation | APEGFSRTDLHLAVV CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 41.54 | 27251275 | |
771 | Phosphorylation | LAVVPVLTALISYHN HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 21.47 | 27251275 | |
775 | Phosphorylation | PVLTALISYHNYLDK HHHHHHHHHHHCCCH | 22.61 | 27251275 | |
776 | Phosphorylation | VLTALISYHNYLDKT HHHHHHHHHHCCCHH | 6.26 | 27251275 | |
779 | Phosphorylation | ALISYHNYLDKTKQR HHHHHHHCCCHHCHH | 11.72 | 27251275 | |
782 | Ubiquitination | SYHNYLDKTKQREMV HHHHCCCHHCHHHHH | 55.84 | - | |
865 | Ubiquitination | RNFAAEQYASVFAIS HHHCHHHHHHEEEEE | 7.73 | - | |
877 (in isoform 6) | Ubiquitination | - | 32.76 | 21890473 | |
881 | Ubiquitination | PYTNPSKFNQYIVCL CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 8.93 | - | |
907 (in isoform 7) | Phosphorylation | - | 45.58 | 29507054 | |
914 | Ubiquitination | DFVPFITKGLRSNVL CCHHHHCCCCCCCEE | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 | Ubiquitination | DFVPFITKGLRSNVL CCHHHHCCCCCCCEE | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 | Ubiquitination | DFVPFITKGLRSNVL CCHHHHCCCCCCCEE | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 (in isoform 4) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
914 (in isoform 5) | Ubiquitination | - | 51.65 | 21890473 | |
918 | Phosphorylation | FITKGLRSNVLLSFD HHCCCCCCCEEEECC | 36.01 | 23312004 | |
919 (in isoform 6) | Phosphorylation | - | 23.25 | 29507054 | |
923 | Phosphorylation | LRSNVLLSFDDTPEK CCCCEEEECCCCCCC | 23.59 | 29396449 | |
924 | Ubiquitination | RSNVLLSFDDTPEKD CCCEEEECCCCCCCC | 11.27 | - | |
927 | Phosphorylation | VLLSFDDTPEKDSFR EEEECCCCCCCCCCC | 34.88 | 25159151 | |
930 | Ubiquitination | SFDDTPEKDSFRARS ECCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 60.93 | 2190698 | |
930 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.93 | 21890473 | |
930 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.93 | 21890473 | |
930 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.93 | 21890473 | |
930 (in isoform 4) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.93 | 21890473 | |
932 | Phosphorylation | DDTPEKDSFRARSTS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.92 | 29978859 | |
937 | Phosphorylation | KDSFRARSTSLNERP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 22.74 | 25159151 | |
937 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 22.74 | 25627689 | |
937 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 22.74 | 25627689 | |
938 | Phosphorylation | DSFRARSTSLNERPK CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 31.51 | 29514088 | |
939 | Phosphorylation | SFRARSTSLNERPKS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 30.37 | 25159151 | |
939 (in isoform 3) | Phosphorylation | - | 30.37 | 29116813 | |
939 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 30.37 | 29116813 | |
946 | Phosphorylation | SLNERPKSLRIARPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 26.09 | - | |
951 | Ubiquitination | PKSLRIARPPKQGLN CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 45.76 | - | |
954 | Ubiquitination | LRIARPPKQGLNNSP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 60.73 | - | |
956 (in isoform 2) | Phosphorylation | - | 36.18 | 29507054 | |
960 | Phosphorylation | PKQGLNNSPPVKEFK CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 29.52 | 25627689 | |
964 | Ubiquitination | LNNSPPVKEFKESSA CCCCCCHHHHHHCCH | 64.31 | - | |
966 | Ubiquitination | NSPPVKEFKESSAAE CCCCHHHHHHCCHHH | 9.85 | - | |
967 | Methylation | SPPVKEFKESSAAEA CCCHHHHHHCCHHHH | 58.75 | 115979451 | |
979 | Phosphorylation | AEAFRCRSISVSEHV HHHHHCCEEEHHHHH | 23.88 | 29255136 | |
981 | Phosphorylation | AFRCRSISVSEHVVR HHHCCEEEHHHHHHH | 22.34 | 29255136 | |
983 | Phosphorylation | RCRSISVSEHVVRSR HCCEEEHHHHHHHHH | 18.39 | 29978859 | |
993 | Phosphorylation | VVRSRIQTSLTSASL HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 24.27 | 28450419 | |
994 | Phosphorylation | VRSRIQTSLTSASLG HHHHHHHHHCCCCCC | 17.18 | 28450419 | |
996 | Phosphorylation | SRIQTSLTSASLGSA HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 23.24 | 28450419 | |
997 | Phosphorylation | RIQTSLTSASLGSAD HHHHHHCCCCCCCCC | 22.58 | 19690332 | |
999 | Phosphorylation | QTSLTSASLGSADEN HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 32.79 | 23403867 | |
1002 | Phosphorylation | LTSASLGSADENSVA HCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 37.53 | 28450419 | |
1007 | Phosphorylation | LGSADENSVAQADDS CCCCCCCHHHCCCHH | 19.44 | 28450419 | |
1014 | Ubiquitination | SVAQADDSLKNLHLE HHHCCCHHHHHHHHH | 41.62 | - | |
1014 | Phosphorylation | SVAQADDSLKNLHLE HHHCCCHHHHHHHHH | 41.62 | 27251275 | |
1019 | Ubiquitination | DDSLKNLHLELTETC CHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 27.01 | - | |
1043 | Ubiquitination | SNFTAVPKRSPVGEF HCCCCCCCCCCCCCE | 59.93 | - | |
1045 | Phosphorylation | FTAVPKRSPVGEFLL CCCCCCCCCCCCEEE | 30.02 | 25106551 | |
1057 | Phosphorylation | FLLAGGRTKTWLVGN EEECCCCEEEEEECC | 35.78 | 20068231 | |
1058 | Ubiquitination | LLAGGRTKTWLVGNK EECCCCEEEEEECCE | 36.02 | - | |
1068 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 23.67 | - | |
1076 | Ubiquitination | VTTSVGTGTRSLLGL EEEECCCCHHHEECC | 17.13 | - | |
1079 | Phosphorylation | SVGTGTRSLLGLDSG ECCCCHHHEECCCCC | 27.99 | 23403867 | |
1085 | Phosphorylation | RSLLGLDSGELQSGP HHEECCCCCCCCCCC | 38.93 | 23403867 | |
1088 | Ubiquitination | LGLDSGELQSGPESS ECCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 5.83 | - | |
1090 | Phosphorylation | LDSGELQSGPESSSS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 69.78 | 28555341 | |
1094 | Phosphorylation | ELQSGPESSSSPGVH CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 38.36 | 25159151 | |
1095 | Phosphorylation | LQSGPESSSSPGVHV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 32.92 | 23401153 | |
1096 | Phosphorylation | QSGPESSSSPGVHVR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCE | 50.24 | 29255136 | |
1097 | Phosphorylation | SGPESSSSPGVHVRQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCEE | 27.85 | 29255136 | |
1106 | Ubiquitination | GVHVRQTKEAPAKLE CCCCEECCCCCHHHH | 43.47 | - | |
1111 | Ubiquitination | QTKEAPAKLESQAGQ ECCCCCHHHHHHHCC | 52.29 | - | |
1121 | Phosphorylation | SQAGQQVSRGARDRV HHHCCHHHHHHHHHH | 22.21 | 29507054 | |
1122 | Methylation | QAGQQVSRGARDRVR HHCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 43.89 | 115919053 | |
1130 | Phosphorylation | GARDRVRSMSGGHGL HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 17.91 | 23401153 | |
1132 | Phosphorylation | RDRVRSMSGGHGLRV HHHHHHCCCCCCCCC | 42.75 | 29255136 | |
1147 | Phosphorylation | GALDVPASQFLGSAT CCEECCHHHHCCCCC | 18.52 | 29396449 | |
1150 | Ubiquitination | DVPASQFLGSATSPG ECCHHHHCCCCCCCC | 4.03 | - | |
1152 | Phosphorylation | PASQFLGSATSPGPR CHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 30.44 | 29255136 | |
1154 | Phosphorylation | SQFLGSATSPGPRTA HHHCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.83 | 29255136 | |
1155 | Phosphorylation | QFLGSATSPGPRTAP HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.81 | 29255136 | |
1159 | Ubiquitination | SATSPGPRTAPAAKP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 49.81 | - | |
1168 | Ubiquitination | APAAKPEKASAGTRV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 57.05 | - | |
1170 | Ubiquitination | AAKPEKASAGTRVPV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 38.00 | - | |
1177 (in isoform 7) | Phosphorylation | - | 11.97 | 27251275 | |
1179 (in isoform 7) | Phosphorylation | - | 63.18 | 28348404 | |
1180 | Ubiquitination | TRVPVQEKTNLAAYV CCCCCCHHCCHHHHH | 26.14 | - | |
1181 (in isoform 7) | Phosphorylation | - | 34.41 | 28348404 | |
1186 | Phosphorylation | EKTNLAAYVPLLTQG HHCCHHHHHHHHCCC | 9.29 | - | |
1189 (in isoform 6) | Phosphorylation | - | 6.04 | 27251275 | |
1189 (in isoform 7) | Phosphorylation | - | 6.04 | 25159151 | |
1191 (in isoform 6) | Phosphorylation | - | 32.49 | 28348404 | |
1193 (in isoform 6) | Phosphorylation | - | 21.96 | 28348404 | |
1201 (in isoform 6) | Phosphorylation | - | 26.17 | 25159151 | |
1217 | Phosphorylation | MSLENPLSPFSSDIN EEECCCCCCCCCCCC | 25.75 | - | |
1225 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 33.51 | 27251275 | |
1227 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 32.77 | 28348404 | |
1229 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 43.65 | 28348404 | |
1237 (in isoform 5) | Phosphorylation | - | 13.66 | 25159151 | |
1242 | Ubiquitination | LMAAERFKEHRDTAL HHHHHHHHHHHCCHH | 59.85 | - | |
1250 | Phosphorylation | EHRDTALYKSLSVPA HHHCCHHHHHCCCCC | 8.96 | - | |
1251 | Ubiquitination | HRDTALYKSLSVPAA HHCCHHHHHCCCCCC | 45.85 | - | |
1252 | Phosphorylation | RDTALYKSLSVPAAS HCCHHHHHCCCCCCC | 16.60 | 30631047 | |
1254 | Phosphorylation | TALYKSLSVPAASTA CHHHHHCCCCCCCCC | 32.90 | 25159151 | |
1259 | Phosphorylation | SLSVPAASTAKPPPL HCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 30.88 | 20363803 | |
1260 | Phosphorylation | LSVPAASTAKPPPLP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 33.69 | 20068231 | |
1262 | Ubiquitination | VPAASTAKPPPLPRS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 59.13 | - | |
1269 | Phosphorylation | KPPPLPRSNTVASFS CCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 34.61 | 27251275 | |
1269 (in isoform 4) | Phosphorylation | - | 34.61 | 27251275 | |
1271 | Phosphorylation | PPLPRSNTVASFSSL CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 20.78 | 28857561 | |
1271 (in isoform 4) | Phosphorylation | - | 20.78 | 28348404 | |
1273 (in isoform 4) | Phosphorylation | - | 11.65 | 28348404 | |
1274 | Phosphorylation | PRSNTVASFSSLYQS CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 22.71 | 18669648 | |
1281 (in isoform 4) | Phosphorylation | - | 21.37 | 25159151 | |
1290 | Phosphorylation | CQGQLHRSVSWADSA CCCCCCCCCCHHCEE | 15.12 | 23401153 | |
1304 | Phosphorylation | AVVMEEGSPGEVPVL EEEECCCCCCCCCEE | 32.77 | 24275569 | |
1330 | Phosphorylation | ALGMDRRTDAYSRSS HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 26.35 | 29083192 | |
1333 | Phosphorylation | MDRRTDAYSRSSSVS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 13.87 | 27642862 | |
1334 | Phosphorylation | DRRTDAYSRSSSVSS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.66 | 30576142 | |
1336 | Phosphorylation | RTDAYSRSSSVSSQE CCCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 22.48 | 26699800 | |
1337 | Phosphorylation | TDAYSRSSSVSSQEE CCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 33.38 | 27794612 | |
1338 | Phosphorylation | DAYSRSSSVSSQEEK CCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 27.54 | 27794612 | |
1340 | Phosphorylation | YSRSSSVSSQEEKSL CCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 28.40 | 30576142 | |
1341 | Phosphorylation | SRSSSVSSQEEKSLH CCCCCCCCHHHHHHC | 39.18 | 23911959 | |
1346 | Phosphorylation | VSSQEEKSLHAEELV CCCHHHHHHCHHHHH | 28.77 | 29255136 | |
1355 | Methylation | HAEELVGRGIPIERV CHHHHHCCCCCCEEE | 32.18 | 115919057 | |
1364 | Phosphorylation | IPIERVVSSEGGRPS CCCEEEECCCCCCCC | 21.58 | 27273156 | |
1365 | Phosphorylation | PIERVVSSEGGRPSV CCEEEECCCCCCCCE | 28.75 | 21712546 | |
1371 | Phosphorylation | SSEGGRPSVDLSFQP CCCCCCCCEECEECC | 27.23 | 25159151 | |
1375 | Phosphorylation | GRPSVDLSFQPSQPL CCCCEECEECCCCCC | 19.85 | 25159151 | |
1379 | Phosphorylation | VDLSFQPSQPLSKSS EECEECCCCCCCCCC | 33.38 | 26074081 | |
1383 | Phosphorylation | FQPSQPLSKSSSSPE ECCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 36.86 | 30576142 | |
1385 | Phosphorylation | PSQPLSKSSSSPELQ CCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 31.88 | 23927012 | |
1386 | Phosphorylation | SQPLSKSSSSPELQT CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 38.27 | 25159151 | |
1387 | Phosphorylation | QPLSKSSSSPELQTL CCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 57.93 | 23927012 | |
1388 | Phosphorylation | PLSKSSSSPELQTLQ CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 25.09 | 25159151 | |
1393 | Phosphorylation | SSSPELQTLQDILGD CCCHHHHHHHHHHCC | 38.72 | 30278072 | |
1411 | Phosphorylation | KADVGRLSPEVKARS CCCHHCCCHHHHHHC | 20.04 | 29255136 | |
1418 | Phosphorylation | SPEVKARSQSGTLDG CHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 33.29 | 30266825 | |
1420 | Phosphorylation | EVKARSQSGTLDGES HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 34.68 | 23927012 | |
1422 | Phosphorylation | KARSQSGTLDGESAA HHHCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.24 | 30266825 | |
1427 | Phosphorylation | SGTLDGESAAWSASG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 28.90 | 23927012 | |
1431 | Phosphorylation | DGESAAWSASGEDSR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 14.08 | 23403867 | |
1433 | Phosphorylation | ESAAWSASGEDSRGQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 36.88 | 27486199 | |
1437 | Phosphorylation | WSASGEDSRGQPEGP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 33.73 | 26074081 | |
1447 | Phosphorylation | QPEGPLPSSSPRSPS CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 51.65 | 23401153 | |
1448 | Phosphorylation | PEGPLPSSSPRSPSG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 42.28 | 25159151 | |
1449 | Phosphorylation | EGPLPSSSPRSPSGL CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 28.77 | 25159151 | |
1452 | Phosphorylation | LPSSSPRSPSGLRPR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 27.14 | 25159151 | |
1454 | Phosphorylation | SSSPRSPSGLRPRGY CCCCCCCCCCCCCCE | 52.27 | 30266825 | |
1461 | Phosphorylation | SGLRPRGYTISDSAP CCCCCCCEECCCCCC | 11.37 | 29255136 | |
1462 | Phosphorylation | GLRPRGYTISDSAPS CCCCCCEECCCCCCC | 19.48 | 19664994 | |
1464 | Phosphorylation | RPRGYTISDSAPSRR CCCCEECCCCCCCCC | 20.08 | 23403867 | |
1466 | Phosphorylation | RGYTISDSAPSRRGK CCEECCCCCCCCCCC | 34.98 | 23403867 | |
1469 | Phosphorylation | TISDSAPSRRGKRVE ECCCCCCCCCCCCCH | 34.03 | - | |
1470 | Ubiquitination | ISDSAPSRRGKRVER CCCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 50.76 | - | |
1539 | Phosphorylation | QLLDQIPSYDTHKIA HHHHCCCCCCCCEEE | 36.95 | 28348404 | |
1542 | Phosphorylation | DQIPSYDTHKIAVLY HCCCCCCCCEEEEEE | 19.48 | 28348404 | |
1543 | Ubiquitination | QIPSYDTHKIAVLYV CCCCCCCCEEEEEEE | 19.34 | - | |
1571 | Phosphorylation | NEHGSYRYTEFLTGL CCCCCHHHHHHHHHC | 11.46 | 11290735 | |
1574 | Ubiquitination | GSYRYTEFLTGLGRL CCHHHHHHHHHCCCE | 5.96 | - | |
1585 | Ubiquitination | LGRLIELKDCQPDKV CCCEEECCCCCCCCE | 43.60 | - | |
1586 | Ubiquitination | GRLIELKDCQPDKVY CCEEECCCCCCCCEE | 49.24 | - | |
1624 | Ubiquitination | AVFHIATLMPTKDVD HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 2.60 | - | |
1647 | Phosphorylation | HLGNDFVSIVYNDSG CCCCCCEEEEECCCC | 13.31 | - | |
1650 | Phosphorylation | NDFVSIVYNDSGEDF CCCEEEEECCCCCCE | 16.16 | - | |
1653 | Phosphorylation | VSIVYNDSGEDFKLG EEEEECCCCCCEEEE | 40.21 | - | |
1658 | Ubiquitination | NDSGEDFKLGTIKGQ CCCCCCEEEEEEEEC | 59.33 | - | |
1660 | Ubiquitination | SGEDFKLGTIKGQFN CCCCEEEEEEEECEE | 26.45 | - | |
1684 | Phosphorylation | DYECNLVSLQCRKDM CCCCCEEEEECCCCC | 18.85 | - | |
1689 | Ubiquitination | LVSLQCRKDMEGLVD EEEEECCCCCCCCCC | 69.88 | - | |
1697 | Phosphorylation | DMEGLVDTSVAKIVS CCCCCCCHHHHHHHC | 20.02 | - | |
1701 | Ubiquitination | LVDTSVAKIVSDRNL CCCHHHHHHHCCCCC | 41.29 | - | |
1704 | Phosphorylation | TSVAKIVSDRNLPFV HHHHHHHCCCCCHHH | 34.03 | - | |
1730 | Phosphorylation | SQVHHSRSNPTDIYP HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 50.61 | 27251275 | |
1736 | Phosphorylation | RSNPTDIYPSKWIAR CCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 12.31 | 25147952 | |
1739 | Ubiquitination | PTDIYPSKWIARLRH CCCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 37.81 | - | |
1760 | Phosphorylation | RICEEAAYSNPSLPL HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 18.94 | 21945579 | |
1761 | Phosphorylation | ICEEAAYSNPSLPLV HHHHHHHCCCCCCCC | 37.22 | 21945579 | |
1764 | Phosphorylation | EAAYSNPSLPLVHPP HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 47.04 | 21945579 | |
1772 | Phosphorylation | LPLVHPPSHSKAPAQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 44.86 | 21712546 | |
1774 | Phosphorylation | LVHPPSHSKAPAQTP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 34.55 | 21712546 | |
1775 | Ubiquitination | VHPPSHSKAPAQTPA CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 53.63 | - | |
1780 | Phosphorylation | HSKAPAQTPAEPTPG CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 26.94 | 21945579 | |
1785 | Phosphorylation | AQTPAEPTPGYEVGQ CCCCCCCCCCCCHHH | 22.35 | 21945579 | |
1788 | Phosphorylation | PAEPTPGYEVGQRKR CCCCCCCCCHHHCHH | 14.51 | 21945579 | |
1798 | Phosphorylation | GQRKRLISSVEDFTE HHCHHHHCCHHHHHH | 32.68 | 27273156 | |
1799 | Phosphorylation | QRKRLISSVEDFTEF HCHHHHCCHHHHHHC | 23.64 | 25159151 | |
1804 | Phosphorylation | ISSVEDFTEFV---- HCCHHHHHHCC---- | 40.61 | 23403867 |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Type of Upstream Proteins | Gene Name of Upstream Proteins | UniProt AC of Upstream Proteins | Sources |
664 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | ERK-SUBFAMILY | - | GPS |
664 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK3 | P27361 | GPS |
664 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK1 | P28482 | GPS |
932 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PKCD | Q05655 | PSP |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT1 | P31749 | Uniprot |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PKB_GROUP | - | PhosphoELM |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT-FAMILY | - | GPS |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | RPS6KA1 | Q15418 | GPS |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PKCD | Q05655 | PSP |
939 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
981 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
981 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT1 | P31749 | PSP |
1130 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
1132 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
1217 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK6 | Q00534 | PSP |
1217 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK4 | P11802 | PSP |
1254 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | MAPK2 | P49137 | PhosphoELM |
1271 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AMPK | Q9Y478 | Uniprot |
1330 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AMPK-FAMILY | - | GPS |
1387 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AMPK | Q9Y478 | Uniprot |
1387 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | BRSK2 | Q8IWQ3 | PSP |
1448 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AMPK-FAMILY | - | GPS |
1452 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK6 | Q00534 | PSP |
1452 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | CDK4 | P11802 | PSP |
1462 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
1462 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | RPS6KA1 | Q15418 | GPS |
1462 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT-FAMILY | - | GPS |
1462 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT1 | P31749 | Uniprot |
1462 | T | Phosphorylation | Kinase | PKB_GROUP | - | PhosphoELM |
1798 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | SGK1 | O00141 | PSP |
1798 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | P90RSK | Q15418 | PSP |
1798 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | AKT-FAMILY | - | GPS |
1798 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | RSK-SUBFAMILY | - | GPS |
1798 | S | Phosphorylation | Kinase | RSK_GROUP | - | PhosphoELM |
- | K | Ubiquitination | E3 ubiquitin ligase | UBE3A | Q05086 | PMID:18298802 |
- | K | Ubiquitination | E3 ubiquitin ligase | FBXW5 | Q969U6 | PMID:18381890 |
- | K | Ubiquitination | E3 ubiquitin ligase | MYCBP2 | O75592 | PMID:14559897 |
- | K | Ubiquitination | E3 ubiquitin ligase | HERC1 | Q15751 | PMID:22199232 |
* Distance = the distance between SAP position and PTM sites.
Modified Location | Modification | Variant Position (Distance <= 10) |
Residue Change | SAP | Related Disease | Reference |
69 | Acetylation | 61 (8) | R ⇒ Q;P;L | rs45502703 |
| 23251661 |
Kegg Disease | ||||||
H00896 | Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) | |||||
H00915 | Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC); Bourneville-Pringle disease | |||||
OMIM Disease | ||||||
613254 | Tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) | |||||
606690 | Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) | |||||
Kegg Drug | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
DrugBank | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. |
Phosphorylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
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