UniProt ID | DZIP3_HUMAN | |
UniProt AC | Q86Y13 | |
Protein Name | E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase DZIP3 | |
Gene Name | DZIP3 | |
Organism | Homo sapiens (Human). | |
Sequence Length | 1208 | |
Subcellular Localization | Cytoplasm . | |
Protein Description | E3 Ubiquitin ligase proteins mediate ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation of target proteins. E3 ubiquitin ligases accept ubiquitin from an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in the form of a thioester and then directly transfers the ubiquitin to targeted substrates. Able to specifically bind RNA.. | |
Overview of Protein Modification Sites with Functional and Structural Information | ||
* ASA = Accessible Surface Area
Locations | Modification | Substrate Peptides & Secondary Structure |
ASA (%) | Reference | Orthologous Protein Cluster |
3 | Phosphorylation | -----MDSLPDEFFV -----CCCCCCCCCC | 54.37 | 23186163 | |
29 | Ubiquitination | ETENKLEKSSGQLNK HHHHHHHHHCCCCCC | 61.43 | 27667366 | |
30 | Phosphorylation | TENKLEKSSGQLNKQ HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 30.26 | 25690035 | |
36 | Ubiquitination | KSSGQLNKQENDIPT HHCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 68.53 | 29967540 | |
55 | Ubiquitination | VNLLLEVKKLLNAIN HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 28.47 | 29967540 | |
124 | Phosphorylation | RNIQAGNYTAHQINI HHHHCCCCEECCCCH | 12.37 | 22817900 | |
141 | Phosphorylation | YLTLLFLYGVALTER HHHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 11.39 | 22817900 | |
151 | Ubiquitination | ALTERGKKEDYTEAE HHHHCCCCCCCCHHH | 59.65 | 22053931 | |
151 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 59.65 | 21890473 | |
212 | Ubiquitination | SLQEIGDKNDHWFDI HHHHHCCCCCCCCCC | 60.09 | 21906983 | |
212 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.09 | 21890473 | |
212 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 60.09 | 21906983 | |
229 | Phosphorylation | TEDEDLPTTFKDLLN CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 52.76 | - | |
242 | Phosphorylation | LNNFIKTTESNIMKQ HHHHHHHHCHHHHHH | 32.20 | - | |
248 | Ubiquitination | TTESNIMKQTICSYL HHCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 40.26 | 32015554 | |
299 | Ubiquitination | WKKFKNLKYPGENDQ HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 59.81 | 29967540 | |
311 | Ubiquitination | NDQSFSGKKCLKEGC CCCCCCCCCHHHCCC | 38.83 | 29967540 | |
315 | Ubiquitination | FSGKKCLKEGCTGDM CCCCCHHHCCCCHHH | 62.62 | 29967540 | |
319 | Phosphorylation | KCLKEGCTGDMVRML CHHHCCCCHHHHHHH | 47.26 | - | |
346 | Phosphorylation | EVVRKDEYITIENLG HHHCCCCCEEEEECC | 17.31 | 18083107 | |
356 | Phosphorylation | IENLGASYRKLISLK EEECCCCHHHHHEEE | 15.95 | 18083107 | |
361 | Phosphorylation | ASYRKLISLKITDTD CCHHHHHEEEECCCC | 33.76 | 24719451 | |
363 | Ubiquitination | YRKLISLKITDTDIR HHHHHEEEECCCCCC | 36.45 | 29967540 | |
372 | Ubiquitination | TDTDIRPKISLKFNT CCCCCCCCEEEECCC | 34.77 | 21906983 | |
372 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 34.77 | 21890473 | |
372 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 34.77 | 21906983 | |
376 | Ubiquitination | IRPKISLKFNTKDEM CCCCEEEECCCCCCC | 29.76 | 22817900 | |
380 | Ubiquitination | ISLKFNTKDEMPIFK EEEECCCCCCCCCEE | 53.44 | 21906983 | |
380 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.44 | 21890473 | |
380 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.44 | 21906983 | |
392 | Phosphorylation | IFKLDYNYFYHLLHI CEEECHHHHHHHHHH | 10.17 | - | |
423 | Ubiquitination | MPPPLLKKELLIHKN CCCCCCCHHHHHCHH | 54.27 | 33845483 | |
484 | Ubiquitination | LNVFPAPKKGWNMEP HCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 67.06 | 29967540 | |
485 | Ubiquitination | NVFPAPKKGWNMEPP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 69.01 | 29967540 | |
497 | Ubiquitination | EPPSSDISKSADILR CCCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 26.08 | 22817900 | |
498 | Ubiquitination | PPSSDISKSADILRL CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 50.42 | 29967540 | |
528 | Phosphorylation | LTESQFNSIWKKVSD CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 30.99 | 22468782 | |
532 | Ubiquitination | QFNSIWKKVSDILLR HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 31.79 | 22817900 | |
542 | Ubiquitination | DILLRLGMMQEDIDK HHHHHHCCCHHHHHH | 2.72 | 22817900 | |
580 | Ubiquitination | VPEIIQRMLSCYQQG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 1.53 | 22817900 | |
581 | Ubiquitination | PEIIQRMLSCYQQGI HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 3.31 | 22817900 | |
582 | Ubiquitination | EIIQRMLSCYQQGIA HHHHHHHHHHHHCCH | 11.05 | 22817900 | |
584 | Ubiquitination | IQRMLSCYQQGIALQ HHHHHHHHHHCCHHH | 10.65 | 22817900 | |
612 | Phosphorylation | QNEEEELSPPLMEYN HCCCCCCCCCCEECC | 27.96 | 28348404 | |
615 | Ubiquitination | EEELSPPLMEYNINV CCCCCCCCEECCCCC | 4.65 | 22817900 | |
618 | Ubiquitination | LSPPLMEYNINVKSH CCCCCEECCCCCCCC | 13.84 | 22817900 | |
635 | Ubiquitination | IQFAEINKDGTSIPS EEEEEECCCCCCCCC | 64.30 | 29967540 | |
640 | Ubiquitination | INKDGTSIPSESSTE ECCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 4.34 | 21890473 | |
642 | Phosphorylation | KDGTSIPSESSTESL CCCCCCCCCCCCCHH | 48.73 | 27732954 | |
644 | Phosphorylation | GTSIPSESSTESLKD CCCCCCCCCCCHHHH | 47.07 | 27732954 | |
645 | Phosphorylation | TSIPSESSTESLKDL CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 31.94 | 27732954 | |
645 | Ubiquitination | TSIPSESSTESLKDL CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 31.94 | 22817900 | |
646 | Phosphorylation | SIPSESSTESLKDLQ CCCCCCCCCHHHHHH | 38.58 | 27732954 | |
648 | Phosphorylation | PSESSTESLKDLQEV CCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 40.59 | 27732954 | |
650 | Ubiquitination | ESSTESLKDLQEVKS CCCCCHHHHHHHHHH | 66.72 | 32015554 | |
656 | Ubiquitination | LKDLQEVKSKQRKKK HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 51.70 | 32142685 | |
663 | Acetylation | KSKQRKKKKTKNKKN HHHHHHHHHCCCCCC | 69.57 | 61127 | |
664 | Acetylation | SKQRKKKKTKNKKNK HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 73.87 | 69811 | |
677 | Ubiquitination | NKDSKEDQVPYVVEK CCCCCCCCCCHHHHH | 38.89 | 22053931 | |
684 | Ubiquitination | QVPYVVEKEEQLRKE CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 55.74 | 29967540 | |
690 | Ubiquitination | EKEEQLRKEQANPHS HHHHHHHHHHCCHHH | 63.87 | 29967540 | |
703 | Ubiquitination | HSVSRLIKDDASDVQ HHHHHHHHCCHHHHC | 54.90 | 21906983 | |
703 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 54.90 | 21890473 | |
707 | Phosphorylation | RLIKDDASDVQEDSA HHHHCCHHHHCCCCH | 45.36 | 29978859 | |
713 | Phosphorylation | ASDVQEDSAMEDKFY HHHHCCCCHHHHCCC | 28.85 | 29978859 | |
718 | Ubiquitination | EDSAMEDKFYSLDEL CCCHHHHCCCCHHHH | 32.66 | 29967540 | |
730 | Ubiquitination | DELHILDMIEQGSAG HHHHHHHHHHHCCCC | 3.05 | 22817900 | |
732 | Ubiquitination | LHILDMIEQGSAGKV HHHHHHHHHCCCCCC | 42.10 | 22817900 | |
738 | Ubiquitination | IEQGSAGKVTTDYGE HHHCCCCCCCCCCCH | 35.80 | 21906983 | |
738 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 35.80 | 21890473 | |
748 | Ubiquitination | TDYGETEKERLARQR CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 56.40 | 21906983 | |
748 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 56.40 | 21890473 | |
759 | Ubiquitination | ARQRQLYKLHYQCED HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 37.06 | 29967540 | |
768 | Methylation | HYQCEDFKRQLRTVT HHHHHHHHHHHHHEE | 52.11 | - | |
768 | Ubiquitination | HYQCEDFKRQLRTVT HHHHHHHHHHHHHEE | 52.11 | 29967540 | |
775 | Phosphorylation | KRQLRTVTFRWQENQ HHHHHHEEEECHHCC | 13.58 | 24719451 | |
786 | Ubiquitination | QENQMQIKKKDKIIA HHCCCCCCHHHHHHH | 36.56 | 22817900 | |
786 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 36.56 | 21890473 | |
787 | Ubiquitination | ENQMQIKKKDKIIAS HCCCCCCHHHHHHHH | 68.76 | 22817900 | |
788 | Ubiquitination | NQMQIKKKDKIIASL CCCCCCHHHHHHHHH | 60.29 | 22817900 | |
790 | Ubiquitination | MQIKKKDKIIASLNQ CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 44.91 | 22817900 | |
794 | Phosphorylation | KKDKIIASLNQQVAF HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 19.90 | 27732954 | |
816 | Ubiquitination | LQRQIHAKDNEIKNL HHHHHHCCHHHHHHH | 47.10 | 29967540 | |
821 | Ubiquitination | HAKDNEIKNLKEQLS HCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 50.47 | 33845483 | |
824 | Ubiquitination | DNEIKNLKEQLSMKR HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 53.46 | 21906983 | |
824 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.46 | 21890473 | |
830 | Ubiquitination | LKEQLSMKRSQWEME HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 45.59 | 29967540 | |
832 | Phosphorylation | EQLSMKRSQWEMEKH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 33.84 | 33259812 | |
836 | Ubiquitination | MKRSQWEMEKHNLES HHHHHHHHHHHCHHH | 8.29 | 21890473 | |
838 | Ubiquitination | RSQWEMEKHNLESTM HHHHHHHHHCHHHHH | 36.16 | - | |
845 | Ubiquitination | KHNLESTMKTYVSKL HHCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 4.20 | 21890473 | |
846 | Ubiquitination | HNLESTMKTYVSKLN HCHHHHHHHHHHHHC | 36.47 | 22817900 | |
846 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 36.47 | 21890473 | |
851 | Ubiquitination | TMKTYVSKLNAETSR HHHHHHHHHCHHHHH | 35.40 | 21906983 | |
851 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 35.40 | 21890473 | |
881 | Ubiquitination | GLLHLEQTEKECLNQ CCCCHHHHHHHHHHH | 39.38 | 22817900 | |
882 | Ubiquitination | LLHLEQTEKECLNQL CCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 46.69 | 22817900 | |
883 | Ubiquitination | LHLEQTEKECLNQLA CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 58.05 | 22053931 | |
883 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 58.05 | 21890473 | |
936 | Ubiquitination | QYNEQINKVKQGFAL HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 53.06 | 21906983 | |
936 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 53.06 | 21890473 | |
938 | Ubiquitination | NEQINKVKQGFALST HHHHHHHHCCCCCCC | 46.44 | 22817900 | |
974 | Phosphorylation | GRPLVKESFFRPILT CCCCCCCHHCCCCCC | 24.78 | 24719451 | |
1042 | Ubiquitination | ERITDRLKTAFPQQT HHHHHHHHHHCCHHH | 38.41 | 27667366 | |
1042 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 38.41 | 21890473 | |
1051 | Ubiquitination | AFPQQTRKELTDFLR HCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 61.54 | 23000965 | |
1051 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 61.54 | 21890473 | |
1054 | Phosphorylation | QQTRKELTDFLRKLK HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 26.29 | 24719451 | |
1061 | Ubiquitination | TDFLRKLKDAYGKSL HHHHHHHHHHHCCCH | 43.26 | 29967540 | |
1066 | Ubiquitination | KLKDAYGKSLSELTF HHHHHHCCCHHHCCH | 35.23 | 32015554 | |
1081 | Phosphorylation | DEIVCKISQFIDPKK HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 12.44 | - | |
1087 | Ubiquitination | ISQFIDPKKSQSQGK HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 62.40 | 22817900 | |
1087 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 62.40 | 21890473 | |
1088 | Ubiquitination | SQFIDPKKSQSQGKS HHHCCCCCCCCCCCC | 60.15 | 22817900 | |
1095 | Phosphorylation | KSQSQGKSVSNVNCV CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 37.29 | 27732954 | |
1097 | Phosphorylation | QSQGKSVSNVNCVSP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 42.00 | 29978859 | |
1103 | Phosphorylation | VSNVNCVSPSHSPSQ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 23.92 | 29978859 | |
1105 | Phosphorylation | NVNCVSPSHSPSQPD CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 29.14 | 27732954 | |
1107 | Phosphorylation | NCVSPSHSPSQPDAA CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 30.50 | 27732954 | |
1109 | Phosphorylation | VSPSHSPSQPDAAQP CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 58.31 | 29978859 | |
1118 | Ubiquitination | PDAAQPPKPAWRPLT CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 54.79 | 29967540 |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Type of Upstream Proteins | Gene Name of Upstream Proteins | UniProt AC of Upstream Proteins | Sources |
Oops, there are no upstream regulatory protein records of DZIP3_HUMAN !! |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Function | Reference | ||
Oops, there are no descriptions of PTM sites of DZIP3_HUMAN !! |
* Distance = the distance between SAP position and PTM sites.
Modified Location | Modification | Variant Position (Distance <= 10) |
Residue Change | SAP | Related Disease | Reference |
Oops, there are no SNP-PTM records of DZIP3_HUMAN !! |
Kegg Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
OMIM Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
Kegg Drug | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
DrugBank | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. |