UniProt ID | OLA1_HUMAN | |
UniProt AC | Q9NTK5 | |
Protein Name | Obg-like ATPase 1 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_03167} | |
Gene Name | OLA1 {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_03167} | |
Organism | Homo sapiens (Human). | |
Sequence Length | 396 | |
Subcellular Localization | Cytoplasm . Nucleus . Nucleus, nucleolus . Predominantly cytoplasmic, shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. | |
Protein Description | Hydrolyzes ATP, and can also hydrolyze GTP with lower efficiency. Has lower affinity for GTP.. | |
Overview of Protein Modification Sites with Functional and Structural Information | ||
* ASA = Accessible Surface Area
Locations | Modification | Substrate Peptides & Secondary Structure |
ASA (%) | Reference | Orthologous Protein Cluster |
5 | Acetylation | ---MPPKKGGDGIKP ---CCCCCCCCCCCC | 74.11 | 25953088 | |
11 | Ubiquitination | KKGGDGIKPPPIIGR CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC | 57.93 | 27667366 | |
20 | Ubiquitination | PPIIGRFGTSLKIGI CCCCCCCCCCEEEEE | 17.03 | 29967540 | |
21 | Phosphorylation | PIIGRFGTSLKIGIV CCCCCCCCCEEEEEE | 28.33 | - | |
22 | Phosphorylation | IIGRFGTSLKIGIVG CCCCCCCCEEEEEEC | 28.22 | - | |
30 | Ubiquitination | LKIGIVGLPNVGKST EEEEEECCCCCCCHH | 1.61 | 23000965 | |
32 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 61.28 | 21890473 | |
32 | Neddylation | IGIVGLPNVGKSTFF EEEECCCCCCCHHHH | 61.28 | 32015554 | |
32 | Ubiquitination | IGIVGLPNVGKSTFF EEEECCCCCCCHHHH | 61.28 | 23000965 | |
39 | Ubiquitination | NVGKSTFFNVLTNSQ CCCCHHHHHHHCCCC | 6.65 | 29967540 | |
51 | Ubiquitination | NSQASAENFPFCTID CCCHHHCCCCCEEEC | 50.00 | 29967540 | |
55 | Glutathionylation | SAENFPFCTIDPNES HHCCCCCEEECCCCC | 3.12 | 22555962 | |
58 (in isoform 2) | Acetylation | - | 23.09 | - | |
58 | Ubiquitination | NFPFCTIDPNESRVP CCCCEEECCCCCCCC | 23.09 | 21890473 | |
58 | Acetylation | NFPFCTIDPNESRVP CCCCEEECCCCCCCC | 23.09 | 19608861 | |
58 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 23.09 | 21890473 | |
77 | Phosphorylation | RFDFLCQYHKPASKI HHCHHHHCCCCHHHC | 15.71 | 28152594 | |
79 | Acetylation | DFLCQYHKPASKIPA CHHHHCCCCHHHCCH | 37.03 | 25953088 | |
79 | Ubiquitination | DFLCQYHKPASKIPA CHHHHCCCCHHHCCH | 37.03 | 23000965 | |
82 | Phosphorylation | CQYHKPASKIPAFLN HHCCCCHHHCCHHHC | 39.38 | 28152594 | |
83 | Ubiquitination | QYHKPASKIPAFLNV HCCCCHHHCCHHHCH | 55.61 | 23000965 | |
83 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 55.61 | 21890473 | |
83 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 55.61 | 21890473 | |
84 (in isoform 2) | Acetylation | - | 2.49 | - | |
84 | Acetylation | YHKPASKIPAFLNVV CCCCHHHCCHHHCHH | 2.49 | 19608861 | |
123 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 2.11 | 21890473 | |
123 | Ubiquitination | ACDGIFHLTRAFEDD HCCCHHHHHHCCCCC | 2.11 | 23000965 | |
136 | Ubiquitination | DDDITHVEGSVDPIR CCCCCEEECCCCCCH | 37.84 | 21890473 | |
136 | Acetylation | DDDITHVEGSVDPIR CCCCCEEECCCCCCH | 37.84 | 19608861 | |
136 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.84 | 21890473 | |
136 (in isoform 2) | Acetylation | - | 37.84 | - | |
155 | Ubiquitination | IHEELQLKDEEMIGP HHHHHCCCCHHHHHH | 50.57 | 32015554 | |
166 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | MIGPIIDKLEKVAVR HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 48.41 | - | |
166 | Acetylation | MIGPIIDKLEKVAVR HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 48.41 | 20167786 | |
166 | Ubiquitination | MIGPIIDKLEKVAVR HHHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 48.41 | 33845483 | |
168 | Ubiquitination | GPIIDKLEKVAVRGG HHHHHHHHHHHCCCC | 51.75 | 27667366 | |
169 | Ubiquitination | PIIDKLEKVAVRGGD HHHHHHHHHHCCCCC | 46.03 | 33845483 | |
175 | Ubiquitination | EKVAVRGGDKKLKPE HHHHCCCCCCCCCCC | 32.76 | 29967540 | |
178 | Ubiquitination | AVRGGDKKLKPEYDI HCCCCCCCCCCCCEE | 67.49 | 29967540 | |
180 | Ubiquitination | RGGDKKLKPEYDIMC CCCCCCCCCCCEEEE | 44.69 | - | |
180 | Malonylation | RGGDKKLKPEYDIMC CCCCCCCCCCCEEEE | 44.69 | 26320211 | |
186 | Sulfoxidation | LKPEYDIMCKVKSWV CCCCCEEEEEEEEEE | 1.33 | 30846556 | |
187 | Glutathionylation | KPEYDIMCKVKSWVI CCCCEEEEEEEEEEE | 4.72 | 22555962 | |
188 | Ubiquitination | PEYDIMCKVKSWVID CCCEEEEEEEEEEEC | 35.00 | 23000965 | |
190 | Neddylation | YDIMCKVKSWVIDQK CEEEEEEEEEEECCC | 24.89 | 32015554 | |
190 | Ubiquitination | YDIMCKVKSWVIDQK CEEEEEEEEEEECCC | 24.89 | 23000965 | |
190 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 24.89 | 21890473 | |
190 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 24.89 | 21890473 | |
196 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 44.54 | 21890473 | |
196 | Ubiquitination | VKSWVIDQKKPVRFY EEEEEECCCCCEEEE | 44.54 | 33845483 | |
197 | Ubiquitination | KSWVIDQKKPVRFYH EEEEECCCCCEEEEE | 56.12 | 29967540 | |
197 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | KSWVIDQKKPVRFYH EEEEECCCCCEEEEE | 56.12 | - | |
198 | Ubiquitination | SWVIDQKKPVRFYHD EEEECCCCCEEEEEC | 43.01 | - | |
205 | Ubiquitination | KPVRFYHDWNDKEIE CCEEEEECCCHHHHH | 34.20 | 29967540 | |
205 (in isoform 2) | Ubiquitination | - | 34.20 | 21890473 | |
209 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | FYHDWNDKEIEVLNK EEECCCHHHHHHHHH | 58.33 | - | |
209 | Acetylation | FYHDWNDKEIEVLNK EEECCCHHHHHHHHH | 58.33 | 23954790 | |
209 | Ubiquitination | FYHDWNDKEIEVLNK EEECCCHHHHHHHHH | 58.33 | 29967540 | |
216 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.21 | 21890473 | |
216 (in isoform 3) | Ubiquitination | - | 37.21 | 21890473 | |
216 | Acetylation | KEIEVLNKHLFLTSK HHHHHHHHHEEECCC | 37.21 | 19608861 | |
216 | Ubiquitination | KEIEVLNKHLFLTSK HHHHHHHHHEEECCC | 37.21 | 21890473 | |
227 | Phosphorylation | LTSKPMVYLVNLSEK ECCCCEEEEEECCHH | 9.93 | 21406692 | |
232 | Phosphorylation | MVYLVNLSEKDYIRK EEEEEECCHHHHHHH | 37.08 | 21406692 | |
242 | Acetylation | DYIRKKNKWLIKIKE HHHHHCCCEEEEHHH | 52.86 | 19608861 | |
246 | Acetylation | KKNKWLIKIKEWVDK HCCCEEEEHHHHHHH | 45.62 | 27178108 | |
248 | Malonylation | NKWLIKIKEWVDKYD CCEEEEHHHHHHHCC | 40.29 | 26320211 | |
248 | Acetylation | NKWLIKIKEWVDKYD CCEEEEHHHHHHHCC | 40.29 | 26210075 | |
248 | Sumoylation | NKWLIKIKEWVDKYD CCEEEEHHHHHHHCC | 40.29 | - | |
254 | Phosphorylation | IKEWVDKYDPGALVI HHHHHHHCCCCCEEE | 23.94 | 21406692 | |
260 | Ubiquitination | KYDPGALVIPFSGAL HCCCCCEEEECCCHH | 5.32 | 23000965 | |
264 | Phosphorylation | GALVIPFSGALELKL CCEEEECCCHHHHHH | 20.15 | 21406692 | |
273 | Ubiquitination | ALELKLQELSAEERQ HHHHHHHHCCHHHHH | 55.94 | 21890473 | |
275 | Phosphorylation | ELKLQELSAEERQKY HHHHHHCCHHHHHHH | 32.64 | 26699800 | |
281 | Ubiquitination | LSAEERQKYLEANMT CCHHHHHHHHHHHCC | 59.01 | 23000965 | |
281 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 59.01 | 21890473 | |
287 | Sulfoxidation | QKYLEANMTQSALPK HHHHHHHCCHHHHHH | 4.68 | 21406390 | |
294 | Acetylation | MTQSALPKIIKAGFA CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 58.89 | 19608861 | |
294 | Ubiquitination | MTQSALPKIIKAGFA CCHHHHHHHHHHHHH | 58.89 | 21890473 | |
294 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 58.89 | 21890473 | |
305 | Ubiquitination | AGFAALQLEYFFTAG HHHHHEEEEEEECCC | 6.31 | 27667366 | |
312 | Ubiquitination | LEYFFTAGPDEVRAW EEEEECCCHHHHHEE | 27.43 | 29967540 | |
323 | Methylation | VRAWTIRKGTKAPQA HHEEEEECCCCCCHH | 68.06 | - | |
326 | Ubiquitination | WTIRKGTKAPQAAGK EEEECCCCCCHHCCC | 67.73 | 27667366 | |
333 | Ubiquitination | KAPQAAGKIHTDFEK CCCHHCCCCCCCHHH | 26.96 | 32015554 | |
336 | Phosphorylation | QAAGKIHTDFEKGFI HHCCCCCCCHHHCCE | 45.95 | - | |
340 | Acetylation | KIHTDFEKGFIMAEV CCCCCHHHCCEEEEE | 60.14 | 25953088 | |
340 | Methylation | KIHTDFEKGFIMAEV CCCCCHHHCCEEEEE | 60.14 | 115974465 | |
340 | 2-Hydroxyisobutyrylation | KIHTDFEKGFIMAEV CCCCCHHHCCEEEEE | 60.14 | - | |
342 | Ubiquitination | HTDFEKGFIMAEVMK CCCHHHCCEEEEEEE | 5.24 | 29967540 | |
350 | Phosphorylation | IMAEVMKYEDFKEEG EEEEEEEHHHHHHHC | 11.57 | 28152594 | |
354 | Ubiquitination | VMKYEDFKEEGSENA EEEHHHHHHHCCHHH | 68.15 | 21906983 | |
354 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 68.15 | 21890473 | |
354 | Acetylation | VMKYEDFKEEGSENA EEEHHHHHHHCCHHH | 68.15 | 23236377 | |
363 (in isoform 1) | Ubiquitination | - | 30.06 | 21890473 | |
363 | Ubiquitination | EGSENAVKAAGKYRQ HCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 30.06 | 2190698 | |
363 | Acetylation | EGSENAVKAAGKYRQ HCCHHHHHHHHHHHH | 30.06 | 27452117 | |
389 | Phosphorylation | IIFFKFNTPQQPKKK EEEEEECCCCCCCCC | 26.13 | 21815630 |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Type of Upstream Proteins | Gene Name of Upstream Proteins | UniProt AC of Upstream Proteins | Sources |
Oops, there are no upstream regulatory protein records of OLA1_HUMAN !! |
Modified Location | Modified Residue | Modification | Function | Reference | ||
Oops, there are no descriptions of PTM sites of OLA1_HUMAN !! |
* Distance = the distance between SAP position and PTM sites.
Modified Location | Modification | Variant Position (Distance <= 10) |
Residue Change | SAP | Related Disease | Reference |
Oops, there are no SNP-PTM records of OLA1_HUMAN !! |
Interacting Protein | Gene Name | Interaction Type | PPI Reference | Domain-Domain Interactions |
ANM5_HUMAN | PRMT5 | physical | 16169070 | |
HSP74_HUMAN | HSPA4 | physical | 23412384 | |
CHIP_HUMAN | STUB1 | physical | 23412384 | |
HMGA1_HUMAN | HMGA1 | physical | 18850631 | |
THIC_HUMAN | ACAT2 | physical | 22863883 | |
ASNS_HUMAN | ASNS | physical | 22863883 | |
HDGF_HUMAN | HDGF | physical | 22863883 | |
MARE1_HUMAN | MAPRE1 | physical | 22863883 | |
RUXF_HUMAN | SNRPF | physical | 22863883 | |
TRXR1_HUMAN | TXNRD1 | physical | 22863883 | |
TBG1_HUMAN | TUBG1 | physical | 24289923 | |
BRCA1_HUMAN | BRCA1 | physical | 24289923 | |
BARD1_HUMAN | BARD1 | physical | 24289923 | |
BAP31_HUMAN | BCAP31 | physical | 26344197 | |
PHB_HUMAN | PHB | physical | 26344197 | |
TBB5_HUMAN | TUBB | physical | 26344197 | |
PRP31_HUMAN | PRPF31 | physical | 27173435 | |
THOC4_HUMAN | ALYREF | physical | 27173435 | |
LSM4_HUMAN | LSM4 | physical | 27173435 | |
LSM8_HUMAN | LSM8 | physical | 27173435 | |
RL26L_HUMAN | RPL26L1 | physical | 27173435 | |
SART3_HUMAN | SART3 | physical | 27173435 |
Kegg Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
OMIM Disease | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
Kegg Drug | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. | ||||||
DrugBank | ||||||
There are no disease associations of PTM sites. |
Acetylation | |
Reference | PubMed |
"Lysine acetylation targets protein complexes and co-regulates majorcellular functions."; Choudhary C., Kumar C., Gnad F., Nielsen M.L., Rehman M., Walther T.,Olsen J.V., Mann M.; Science 325:834-840(2009). Cited for: ACETYLATION [LARGE SCALE ANALYSIS] AT LYS-216; LYS-242 AND LYS-294,AND MASS SPECTROMETRY. |